Chapter 8

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Karl sat at his desk in front of his monitors debating on clicking the one button that would send people flying over. He sighed and bounced his leg anxiously. He did have more energy and wanted to stream but right now, they couldn't know Sapnap was "visiting"

He groaned and pushed himself away from his desk, hiding his face in his hands. He sighed and stood up pushing his chair in and turning off the monitors. He kept his head down as he traveled back to his room where Sapnap was laid against the head board. Sapnap looked up and immediately put his phone down. Karl groaned as he climbed in next to his friend. Sapnap wrapped his arm around him and laid his head on top of his.

"Worth a try."

"At least you were up for it?"

Karl nodded and turned to his side, leaning against the younger. He played with the end of Sapnaps black sweatshirt, taking interest in the weird material. Sapnap chuckled and brought his eyes to look at the tv screen. Karl let out a sigh that indicated he was bored. He then got a idea.

"Can we go to like a restaurant? Or a park or something?" Karl asked as he sat up, a smile on his face as he watched the shock expression form on his friends face. Sapnap smiled back and nodded.

"If that's what you'd like." He said with a shrug. Karl smiled even more and quickly slid off the bed, opening his closet and searching through it. Sapnap chuckled as he turned the tv off and got up walking up behind Karl and hugging him catching the brunet off guard.

"Take all the time you need, I'll be waiting downstairs okay?" Sapnap whispered. Karl nodded and let out a giggle that made Sapnaps heart so flips. A giggle he hadn't heard in what seemed like a decade. He ruffled the boys hair before slipping away. Karl waited until he was out the room before changing into more casual clothes. Once he was done getting ready he grabbed his phone and car keys before practically sprinting down the hall and down the stairs and into his friends arms who couldn't stop smiling at the brunet who had pink colored cheeks and a smile so big.

"Let's go!" Karl giggled. Sapnap nodded and opened the door for Karl.

Time skip

Karl and Sapnap sat on swings next to each other talking away. Sapnap would get so invested in Karl's facial expressions when he talked that he barely heard what he said. It was like all Karl's worried went away in a blink of an eye.

"Hey! Are you listening you dork face?" Karl giggled waving his hand in front of Sapnaps face. Sapnap blinked and hummed as his eyes widened and he stared blankly at Karl. Karl bursted into laughter and sapnap felt like jumping up and telling the whole world his best friend was happy. Karl began to lightly swing and kick his feet. Sapnap could only think of his smile, the world around them was a blur and Karl was his light, the only clear thing he could see. Watching the boy swing higher and higher with such a passion.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Karl giggled as he slowed down. They locked eyes and Sapnap could have sworn Karl's eyes sparkled. He gulped as his face flushed a light pink.

"I-I...uh.." sapnap stuttered. He placed his fist up to his mouth and coughed as Karl giggled.

"You're just...uh- you're just you know..? So...gor-geous.."

Karl blushed and let out a tiny giggle as he looked away. Sapnap smiled and stood up stepping in front of Karl, blocking the sunlight. Karl looked up with a raised brow. Sapnap put his hand out with a smile. Karl smiled and grabbed his hand, being pulled up immediately. Sapnap pulled the brunet up a hill, blocking out the giggles and screams coming from many kids behind them. He stopped at the top where many trees scattered around and the sun was setting just on the horizon. Sapnap collapsed onto the grass panting and chuckling. Karl giggled and knelt down next to him staring off at the colors of the sunset. Sapnap finally caught his breath and sat up on his elbows.

"Is there a specific reason you brought me up here?" Karl asked, tilting his head. Sapnap shook his head with a chuckle.

"I noticed the hill while we were parking and thought why not? The sunset would be pretty to watch." He panted. Karl scooted closer to him as the cold breeze brushed against his skin.

"You think George and Dream have done anything yet?" Karl randomly blurted making sapnap giggle.

"Oh please, they probably didn't let go of each other the moment they touched." Sapnap joked. Karl giggled and laid back on the grass, holding sapnaps hand that rested over his shoulder. Sapnap laid back with him staring up at the pink clouds. Karl gasped and pointed at one that caught his eye.

"Look! It looks like a staircase with a face going up it!"  (Totally not a reference to a personal experience..)

Sapnap giggled and looked around for any other weird shaped clouds. Karl kept his eyes on the one picture he created, his brows furrowed as he squinted his eyes.

"Wait a minute.." Karl said. Sapnap looked at Karl then at the clouds, that's when he realized.

"That looks- what?" Karl said confused by his own thoughts. Sapnap nudged Karl and then pointed at a cloud that looked like a heart. Karl smiled and turned his body slightly against Sapnaps. They continued to point out different clouds as it grew darker and darker until they couldn't see anymore clouds but only a black canvas with white glowing dots slowly appearing.

"It's cold.." Karl said, his body shivering along with his words as he snuggled closer to the younger. Sapnap held him tightly completely ignoring the coldness of the night and focusing on the stars trying to connect random dots, he failed.

"N-Nick.." Karl said, his teeth clattering as he turned onto his stomach and sat up on his elbows. Sapnap hummed and tilted his head down.

"Thank you for taking me out here."

"No, it's nothing. I should thank you."

"Why?" Karl asked tilting his head. Sapnap sighed and sat up. He stared out at the moon, the moon light bouncing off Karl and the grass lighting up the area around the perfectly.

"I don't know, I feel there's something I should be thanking you for. Maybe for letting me take care of you and letting me be your shoulder to cry on? I can't put it into words.."

Karl's eyes sparkled in the moonlight and it made sapnaps heart beat faster as he struggled to contain eye contact.

"I don't think I even have to explain why I should thank you.." Karl chuckled, Sapnap doing the same. Karl sat up cris cross and scooted closer to the younger.

"From the beginning, when you flew yourself out here when I told you not to, I knew then that I had someone who would go throw hell for me. I didn't believe in myself but I would turn around and you were right there. The moment you walked into my house I felt a heavy weight I didn't know I had being lifted, I felt safer with you in front of me. You basically became my maid- you cleaned my house, made me food, accompanied me where ever I was even in the bath."

They both giggled.

"Each day a smaller weight was lifted and when I couldn't handle it you'd be right there to catch me. You wouldn't leave my side no matter what the situation was. The funeral you kept your yourself around me preventing me from shattering into pieces. You're not just a shoulder to cry on Nick, you're a blessing. A angel you can call on and wouldn't pass you up for anything. You're light that won't hesitate to step up and give light to a dark room filled with lost souls."

Karl grabbed Sapnaps hands and held them to his face, turning his head and lightly kissing his palm, rubbing against his hand.

"I feel lost without you. I feel hopeless and forgotten. When you call me, hug me, call my name, you do anything it excites me. I get a bit of butterflies when I hear your laughs, or let alone hear your soft voice. I feel like I'm rambling"

Sapnap sat there, eyes wide and tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. He finally blinked and bumped his forehead against Karl's as he sobbed.

"Damn it..look what you did Karl.." Sapnap breathed. Karl giggled and closed his eyes keeping his hands connected with Sapnaps. Sapnap tilted his head slightly.

"I-.....fuck've got me speechless.."

"Is that a good thing?- or..?"

Sapnap chuckled as he sniffled. He rubbed circles on Karl's face.

In that moment, the world had to of stopped spinning...

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