Chapter 8

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A slender figure wandered seemingly aimless down the narrow pathway leading to the forests. His aura alone was enough to say what needed to be said. He was not afraid. The night was fairly dark and as deserted as one could imagine, even the animals have decided to call it a day. The perfect timing for any attackers or ambush, yet, he remained impressively bored. The wine jar, ever so present in his hand - an emblem synonymous with him.

Wei's P.O.V

The night was dark but it was calming. The slight caress of the breeze- a welcomed escape from that suffocating inn. The road was long and I had every intention to reach the end. If the rising sun is anything to go by, I have spent almost three hours walking. The end of the road had passed about an hour ago but I needed to walk more, hence the reason I'm currently hiking in the forest. Spotting a tree stump in the path up ahead, pausing was inevitable. 

Rustling of leaves just behind me caught my attention. In an instant I was alert, all my senses awake and my hand ready to grab the flute. A confrontation might be necessary as it is technically still dark and any one up here at this hour is just looking for trouble. The bamboo leaves parted and an old lady hobbled out. Saying I was confused would be an understatement. 

"Aunt, can I help you? Why are you out this late? Who are you with? Are you lost?"

"Ease up with the questions child. I can only answer one at a time."

"Oh, right"

"No, I am not lost and are perfectly fine. Though I thank you for your concern."

"So why are you out this late or early, whichever way you would like to phrase it?"

"Early, I am collecting herbs from here. I do it every morning. The best herbs are out with the sun. Collecting them when the dewdrops are still fresh will make them work wonders."

"Ok, do you need any help with those?"

"I could use a hand yes"

We walked, her collecting even more herbs and directing me to her house. The quiet was filled with small talk. The hut was small and homey inside but I politely refused staying for breakfast. Where that came from I do not know. Making the treacherous hike back to the inn was tiring.  Upon my arrival, the entire town was already drowned in the sun's glow. A new day, hopefully it brings with it some answers.  



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