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the picture tho^ 🥵
future mads: i deleted one of the girls. her name was blake. i just thought it would be better if y/n had one close friend instead of two!

"And that is the color wheel. Any questions?" my art teacher, Mrs. Hill asked. "Now, for extra credit. I decided that I will make the extra credit assignment pretty... time consuming. I will give you full credit, SO even if you have an F, you'll have an A."

My head perked up. I was failing art. I sucked at it and I had too much on my hands. I didn't do any of the homework, and only did things in class, with no effort might I add. I went on my phone all class, got 8/25 on tests, and just overall was bad at it.

"Now, I know my class is needed to pass your final year here. And as you all know, I'm also the drama teacher."

I already knew where this was going.

"This year's drama we will be Cinderella. The auditions are today after school. If you are interested, come by the auditorium at 7 o'clock. No earlier nor later." I raised my hand. "Yes Miss y/l/n?"

"Are there other extra credit options?" I asked.

"No there are not." I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and I grabbed my bag.

"Miss y/l/n, may I see you for a second?" I trudged towards her desk.

"Mrs. Hill, you know I have tons of other stuff to do. I can't do a play. I can barley remember to do my homework, not an entire script!" I complained.

"Sweetie, I know you have a lot going on but I gave you SO many chances to increase your grade and you ignored all my efforts." she obviously was annoyed but didn't show it.

I started walking out of the classroom.

"Don't forget to sign up!" Mrs. Hill yelled.

I quickly strutted towards the sign up and jotted my name down quickly. I scanned over other names on the paper. "Excuse me." someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped a little bit and turned around. "Can I sign up?" the boy asked. I gave him the pen that was attached to the clipboard. "Thank you." he smiled. I studied his face, he looked familiar. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and a slim face. He had a few freckles scattered here and there with the slightest dimples. I'm pretty sure he was in my art class and was probably doing this for extra credit.

"Extra credit?" I asked. He nodded. An awkward pause occurred as he put the pen back down. He turned and faced me.

"See you later y/n." He smiled.

"See you later..." I looked on the paper, "Josh." I smiled back. He waved at me and I waved back. My best friend, Tara, ran up to me.

"Y/n! Do you know who you were just talking to?" Tara asked. I was confused.

"A boy named Josh in my art class?" I replied.

"Y/n, are you DUMB?! That's the Josh. The quarterback. For the football team. You know what a quarterback is, right?" She questioned.

"Yes, yes of course I do. What is so... exciting about me talking to him?" I asked.

"I might sound like a Disney Channel best friend/side character but he's the most popular boy in the school. He's rumored to be dating... Sydney." Tara said the last part quietly.

My face dropped. Sydney was my BEST FRIEND. We did everything together. We even got best friend necklaces. In 8th grade, she started hanging out with other kids, WHICH IS FINE, but she got meaner and meaner. Then, she started bullying me. Now, she's my worst enemy.

"Speak of the devil." Tara remarked disgusted. Sydney and her bitches walked past us. She walked right up to the sign up sheet for the play. She jotted her name down in the most obnoxious handwriting ever.

"Seems like Miss y/n is doing the show too, huh? Have fun being the tree while me and Josh are Cinderella and Prince Charming."

"I would rather be a tree then go on set ALL DAY with your flat ass." 'Ooooo's were heard from the fellow students.

Sydney clicked her tongue and came real close to my face. "It is actually an above average size ass that Josh actually LOOKS at. My doctor told me that."

We stayed the same distance from each other. "First, go brush your teeth, I can smell the garlic you had for lunch. And second, I don't give a single FUCK about what Josh looks at. He can be a perv to you, but not. to. me." I spat. She scoffed and walked off with her friends. "See you tonight y/l/n, let's see who's got the real skills."

"Ok but if I get a tree, I'll be HAPPY about it." Sydney laughed and strutted off.


Me and my family were eating dinner. I told them about the play. "A play?! I never thought of you as a play person." My mom, Evelyn, stated.

"Me too. It's just for extra credit though." My older brother, Chris, almost spit out his food.

"A- a play?! That's too funny." My mom smacked his hand. He muttered an 'ow' and started rubbing his hand.

"I think y/n's gonna do well. What play is it?" My other older brother, Tommy James or T.J., asked.

"Cinderella." I said.

"Uh nope! Y/n, you are going to FAIL your art class." My OTHER older brother, Michael, said. Yep, I'm the youngest child with 3 older brothers. The oldest is Chris, then Michael, then T.J.

"I think that's great! When are the auditions." my mom asked.


"Tonight? I thought we were going to practice basketball." my dad, Daniel, said.

"Sorry dad, maybe after?" I questioned.

"That's fine, I guess."

"Trust me, I don't want to do it either."

"Y/N! Come watch the game! It's a close one." Michael yelled. I finished my mashed potatoes and put it in the dishwasher. I ran into the living room and plopped myself next to Michael on the couch.

first chapter out!
not a trick this time tho ❤️
only little bit of josh 😭
f in the chat for little josh content 😢
hope y'all enjoyed 😁

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