New Singer

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Yujin POV

I was late for work! I shouldn't have watched dramas all night, I regret it. I was supposed to meet the new singer today! I rushed up my routine and quickly got dressed. Instead of taking the bus, I booked a cab and quickly got to work. I ran to the 3rd floor and entered the meeting room. I saw Mrs. Han sitting on one of the chairs, "Good morning Mrs. Han" I said and bowed. "Morning Yujin," she said. "Are they here yet?" I asked referring to the singer and his manager, "They have entered the building and are currently in the lobby, waiting for the lift" she said looking at her watch. I nodded and went to sit on the chair beside hers. We waited for 2 minutes and heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" Mrs. Han said. 3 gorgeous looking men entered the room, they bowed and sat as Mrs. Han showed them where to sit. The first one spoke, "I'm Choi Soobin and I'm one of my brother's manager" he said, "I'm Choi Yeonjun and I'm my brother's second manager" another one said, "I'm Choi Beomgyu, I'm their brother as you must have guessed. I'm the one who wants to debut" he said. 

"I'm Han Se-oul, Call me Mrs. Han. I'll show you the contract right after she introduces herself" he said pointing to me, "I'm Lee Yujin, I look forward to working with you" I said and bowed. Mrs. Han showed them the contract and Beomgyu read it out loud. 

"Rule 1. You'll have to ask the company before you post anything online." 

Soobin read the second one, "Rule 2. The company will provide you a place to stay." 

Yeonjun read the third one, "Rule 3. You will have to delete your Instagram account and Twitter account or you'll have to let it be under the company's hold"

Beomgyu thought for a while, then he finally spoke up, "I'm fine with the first rule." he said, "What about the other two?" Mrs. Han asked sternly. "About the second one, I'd like to stay at my dorm. I don't like shifting places and my dorm is close to the building" he said, "Okay I'll think about it" she said, "And for the third one, I'll let you guys take hold of my accounts" he said. Mrs. Han nodded, "About the second one, You can stay at your place but we'll send someone from our company to stay with you and keep an eye on you" she said, "Okay, can I meet the person?" he asked, Mrs. Han nodded and pointed to me. "Me?!" I said startled, "Yes, You" she said, "Okay, I'll agree to it. I have an extra room anyways." Beomgyu said. "Yes Mr. Choi" I said, and he handed me his phone, "Give me your number" he said, I nodded and typed in my number. "Here" I said and handed him his phone, my phone suddenly rang and when I picked up the person on the other side said, "It is you. I called just to check. Save my number" 

I looked over to Beomgyu, "Was it you?" I asked, "Yes." he said. I saved his number as he said. I went to Mrs. Han's office after the meeting. "May I come in?" I asked, "Yes" she said and I entered. "Mrs. Han, how will I check the other tracks? I'll be staying with Mr. Choi..." I asked, "You don't have to. You will only come here the days he's coming and for now you'll be checking only his tracks" she said, "Oh...Okay" I said and bowed. I left the office thinking "so they're making me a servant? I feel like they're making me a slave" I mumbled, "What are you mumbling?" I was startled by Beomgyu's voice. "Oh. Uhm. Nothing" I said. "I texted you my address, shift in tomorrow" he said and left. 

*At home*

I was bored and decided to do my packing for tomorrow. I took my clothes, hairbrush, toothbrush, extra toiletries, my charger and my laptop. After I was done with packing, I put on some music and lay down on my bed. I eventually fell asleep thinking about tomorrow. 

A/N- Sorry for short chap. 〒▽〒
I'll try to make other chapters longer~~
hope ur enjoying tho~~

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