An Apology and An old friend.

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Authors note- This chap might be a little short-

Yujin POV

It was 7 in the morning and I rushed over to beomgyu's house on the cycle. "Oppa I'm here!" I said, "Jinnieee I missed you!" he said and hugged me. We quickly freshened up and I changed my bandages. Me and Beomgyu were greeted by Mrs. Han and we greeted her too. "Yujin, How's your arm?" she asked, "It's better, Thank you" I said. 

We were working together today, Beomgyu and I. We were told to listen to the final tracks and then beomgyu could go ahead with his debut. "Congrats!!" I said as I handed him some coffee, "For what?" he asked, "When you're done with recording these parts of the songs again you can go ahead with the debut!" I said and he smiled. We went to the recording studio and met Mr. Lee, the one who records the songs and transfers them to me. Beomgyu re-recorded the songs and we were done early. 

*Time skip*

We were heading home and I decided I'll tell him about the file. "What's up? you seem off lately" he asked, "Oh it's nothing... Just tired" I said. 

We reached home and changed. "Oppa, I need to tell you something... Take a seat" I said, "What is it? You sound serious" he said and took a seat beside me. I took out the file and looked at it. "What is that?" he asked, I handed him the file, "The proof you wanted" I said. He looked at the file and his hand slammed against his mouth immediately. "Oppa... I kno-" I was cut of by him, "HOW!? NO- This can't be happening! Huening didn't do it?" he said, "No, It was a misunderstanding. She was suffering and jumped off when kai went to her you saw them like that and well..." I said. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he hugged me with all his force. "Thank you. Now I can finally believe. Yujin, do you realize you did what no one could do in years? Y-you made me believe it wasn't Huening..." he said, "Well... You remember the deal right? You have to apologize and become friends with him again" I said, "Yes yes, but does he know about this?" he asked, "Yes kai knows about it" I said. Beomgyu gave me a little peck on the cheek and said, "Is it too late to go visit him?" he asked, "It's 9 p.m." I said, "Let's go after dinner" he said and I nodded. I made Kimchi and ramen for dinner and we started eating. It was around 11 p.m. when we decided to go visit Kai. 

We walked to his home. "I'm sure it was around here" Beomgyu said and looked around. "Are we lost?" I asked, "No. I hope. I know this place pretty well..." he said, "What do you mean 'I hope'?!" I said. "Aha! here it is" he said as we faced a double-floored house. He ringed the bell as nervousness grew into his eyes. "Ah who in the world would come at this ti-" Kai was whining but stopped as he saw us. He looked at my with questioning eyes and I nodded. He got what I meant and stood there. "Kai, I'm so sorr-" Beomgyu was cut off by kai hugging him. "That's the first time in years that you've called me Kai. You always called me Heuning after the incident" Kai said with tearful eyes. We went inside his house and sat on the sofa. "Kai, just let me speak, don't interrupt. I'm really sorry... by the way it looked that night. I owe you an apology big time. And I want to request you of a new and refreshed friendship... Jiho was a big part of our friendship and she always will be but now, we've found someone who did something no one could do in these years... Yujin made us a group again and I know Jiho wouldn't have minded if we took her in our little group too..." Beomgyu said, "First off, apology excepted. Second, I accepted your request the moment we hugged and third, Yujin, welcome to the group" Kai said. All of us cheered and talked and had fun. "I'll get going now" I said, "I? What about me?" Beomgyu said, "Oppa, I thought you'd like to spend a night with your old friend." I said, "Noo I need to work on my debut album" he said and came with me. "Debut album?! Beomgyu! You really did become the singer you dreamt to be!" Kai said, "Well almost. I haven't debuted yet. And when I have lots of money, I'll treat you everyday!" He said and we all chuckled. 

Me and Beomgyu headed home and when we reached I went to my room to get some sleep. Beomgyu came in and said, "Yujin, Thank you for everything." but before I could say anything he took me in a kiss. I lasted for a few seconds and we gasped for breath as we let go. Me and Beomgyu said our good nights and went to sleep.


End of chap-- 

I said this one will be short but its so nice. And happy. 

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