Work Partner

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Yujin POV

We ate our ramen and went to our rooms to get some sleep. 

*In the morning* 

It was another day off because it was Sunday. I woke up and got ready, I put on a t-shirt and jeans and went out. I saw the house was empty so I assumed Beomgyu was still sleeping. I went to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. I was sipping my hot coffee when I heard the door to beomgyu's room open and out he came dressed in jeans and a hoodie. I immediately stood up and bowed, "Good morning beomgyu-ssi" I said, He smiled, "Good morning dear" he said. Dear? I thought, "You can call me casually at home, You only need to call me 'beomgyu-ssi' at work" he said, "Oh Uhm Okay... What exactly do I call you at home then?" I asked, "Call me Oppa or Honey or dear" he said and tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "Can I call you hyung? since we're not really that close and we just have a one year difference!" I said but he shook his head "No. Call me oppa" he said. I nodded and bowed "Oh also don't bow to me at home... it feels weird" he said "Oh Ok" I said. I went back to sipping my coffee and he was staring at me, "Would you like some coffee?" I asked, "Nah" he said. Beomgyu went to his room and closed the door. I awkwardly drank my coffee and washed the cup and put it on the shelf. I then went to beomgyu's room and knocked on the door, "Come in!" he said and I entered, "Sup" he asked. "Well... Since it's a day off and I don't need to keep check on you... I'm going to my parents' house for a while. I'll be back before 11 p.m!" I said, "Oh...I- I are you allowed. Like by the company" he asked. "Yeah" I said, "Okay then. Go" he said. I nodded happily and left his room. 

I packed a small backpack and headed to my parents' house. I booked a cab and reached to my parents house. "That'll be one hundred won, mam" he driver said and I paid him. I went up the stairs and knocked. My mom opened the door and I smiled and said, "Hi mom!" she looked confused and happy. "Yujinie~ When did you get here?" she asked, "Just now. It's a day off so I asked the singer if I could come here and he said I could" I said, "He?" my mom asked, "Yeah... I'll explain" I said. I went in and asked, "Where's dad?" my mom looked over to me and said, "Oh he's gone for a business trip" I tilted my head, "You're alone at home?" I asked, "Well yeah... He's coming tomorrow though! It was a 2 day trip and he went yesterday" she explained and I nodded my head. "So... Tell me more about the male singer" she said, I could feel my cheeks going red. "Well. I have to live with him till he debuts. He's kind and fun. He's not rude luckily." I said, "Live with him?!" my mom exclaimed, "Yeah but nothing happened between us!" I lied. "I'll be in my room. Call me if you need anything." I said and went to my room. 

I was lying down on my bed when I got a text from Beomgyu. Our conversation:


Did you read your parents house?


Where are you right now?

At my parents home?

No. As in where is your parents house?

XX- Building 2nd floor? 


end of conversation

I mentally slapped myself for telling him the address but in the first place why did he even ask for it? I shrugged it off and put on some music. I was reading a book and vibing to music when I heard a knock on my window. I opened the curtains and when I saw who it was I almost yelled. I opened the window and he jumped in and I fell to the bed and so did he resulting us in an awkward position, he was on top of me with his hands at either side of my head and he was towering me. "Beomgyu-ssi wha-" I was cut off by him, "Not beomgyu-ssi. Oppa." he said. I sighed, "Fine. 'Oppa' what are you doing here?!" I said. "I missed you" he said and chuckled. He was still on top of me and he was about to get off but his hand slipped and now he was lying down on my bed, beside me. I was about to push him off but my mom burst in. "Yujin what do you- Ahhh" she saw beomgyu and both of us jumped up away from each other and stood up. "Yujin who in the world is this?!" she asked, beomgyu looked at me and lipped "say anything but work partner" I got his words. "He's my... work partner" I said. I don't know why but it just came out of my mouth. "uh-huh. So what was he doing on the bed with you and how did he even come in?" she asked. "Mom! first, he came here when you were having bath so I let him in. Second, we weren't doing anything wrong and he accidently slipped and fell on the bed but since he was in front of me, he fell on me resulting us on the bed." I explained. "Yes, Mrs. Lee. That is exactly what happened" Beomgyu said. "Okay well, Mr. Work partner how long are you going to be staying here?" my mom asked, "Oh I mean if you want me to go-" I cut him off "Mom. He can have dinner and we can leave together and go on our...separate ways" I said. "Okay. I'll leave but first tell me what you want for dinner. I was thinking of making spicy tteokbokki but if your work partner wants to have something different it's fine." she said. I looked to beomgyu and he said. "No no, tteokbokki is fine. And don't call me work partner you can call my Beomgyu or Mr. Choi" he said, "Okay. Mr. Choi" my mom said and left. 

Me and Beomgyu sat around and talked for a while until my mom called us for dinner. We were sitting at the dining table. "So Mr. Choi. Tell me about you" my mom said, Beomgyu shot me a hesitant look and turned to my mom, "Well. I'm a pre-debut singer and Yujin is currently living with me" he said, I hate him for saying that. "What?!" my mom said, "Yujin he's the singer you're living with?" my mom asked, "Yeah..." I said and gave a murderous look to beomgyu. "Beomgyu-ssi can you come here for a second" I said and dragged him to the kitchen. "Really?! did you have to?" I said, "Yeah. I told you to say anything but work partner! Couldn't you have said boyfriend" he said, "I mean now that she knows we're living together its gonna be awkward" I said, "Let's just tell her about us dating then" he said, "I-I...Okay?" I said and we went back to the table. 

"Well...Mom we need to say something" I said and looked at beomgyu, "We're dating" he blurted out. "What?! Yujin you said nothing happened between you guys" She said, "But mom- We really like each other and I'm sure you'll be fond of him too if you get to know him" I said, "Okay. If you really like him... I'm happy if you are" she said. "Let's get to know each other after dinner!" he said, "Ok" I said and my mom agreed too. So, after dinner we talked about how he always dreamed of being a singer and played uno and what not. "You were right Jinnie, I have become fond of him!" my mom said, "Jinnie?" beomgyu asked, "Ahh that's my nickname. My parents call me that" I said, "Can I call you Jinnie too?" he pouted, "sureee" I said. Me and beomgyu were at my parents house for a while and then we left. 

We headed back home. 

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