
911 29 1

Yelling and shouting was heard across the living room. It was 2:30 in the morning and Ryujin came home waking her angry wife. It was rainy and Ryujin is soaked, and she didn't want anything more than to get dry, and sleep. But of course, she had to get pass her wife first.

"Where the hell have you been?" Said the shorter one. She was looking at her wife with a frown on her face and she was clearly in a bad mood.

"Doesn't matter. I was working" Ryujin said plainly and tried to go pass her wife, but Lia stopped her. "I was asking you. Where. Have. You. Been."

Usually Ryujin would answer quickly, but she was just as in a bad mood as Lia that she rolled her eyes annoyed. "Look, I was working at my office! Tell me what else I should answer. Geez" 

Lia could tell Ryujin was annoyed by her, which caused her to raise her voice "No you don't get to roll you eyes at me! Do you know how fucking worried I am?!"

Ryujin ran her hand through her hair frustrated. "Look I'm sorry okay? Sorry I was working my ass  for you"

Lia has had it. She was so pissed at the taller girl. And Ryujin knew she messed up big time. She was unaware of the words she was saying right now. 

"You know what. Go fucking sleep at the guest room. I don't want to see nor talk to you in a while! Why Don't you continue working if that's all you want!" Lia was walking away angrily, and Ryujin kept following but the latter already slammed the door shut leaving Ryujin outside, standing in their hallway.

Ryujin knocked a few times trying to convince her wife to open up but Lia refused. Lia was dead serious when she said she didn't want to see her wife, because the words she might spit out may actually ruin them. 

Ryujin sighed heavily, giving up on her wife. She went to the guest room and took a shower wearing the spear pajamas they had. She's been wanting to sleep all day, but because of the situation, she laid awake in the cold sheets of the guest bedroom. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get herself to close her eyes and drift into unconsciousness.

The same goes for Lia, except it was for a different reason. There was a thunder storm outside along with heavy rain. Usually she'd have Ryujin cuddle and comfort her but she's at another room, separated from her. She thought of walking the hallway but she was too scared to go. 

She was trying to close her eyes to sleep, ignoring all the loud sounds the frightened her, but before she could do that, she felt the mattress dip down. Ryujin was now at their room, in their bed, but keeping a respectful distance away from her wife.

"W-what are you doing here?" Lia muttered. She looked to her left to see Ryujin facing away from her, "How'd you get in?"

"I know you're afraid of thunder storms, also next time you shouldn't leave the keys out in the open" Ryujin said plainly, placing the blanket on top of her.

Lia scooted closer to the younger, but it only cause Ryujin to scoot further. 

"Why are you going further... Scoot closer to me..." Lia said shyly, unsure of how the younger would reply to that. She heard a soft giggle come from her wife, who did scoot a bit closer, but didn't dare face her.

"Can you maybe uhm...  Show that handsome face of yours?" She heard no response from Ryujin so she whined, "Ryu..."

Ryujin turned around hearing her cute wife. She faced her pouting wife and laughed at how silly she looks. "You said you don't wanna see me" Ryujin joked, but it followed by a peck on her wife.

"I did, but I changed my mind. I was just worried for you"

"I know, I'm sorry" She sighed, "I knew you were just worried, and it was fault for starting to argue"

That's what Lia loved about her wife, she knows when it was her mistake and apologizes sincerely. 

"It's alright now, what's important is you're here beside me" Lia snuggled closer to the younger, "Right now you should get some rest, you seem so tired"

Ryujin giggled and kissed Lia's head, "Goodnight darling, I love you"

"I love you too"

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