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Ryujin watched as another member went out of Lia's room. Her eyes darted on the maknae who was happily hugging the 2nd oldest member. It's like Lia couldn't catch a break.

"Unnie thank you so so much again" She said, hugging the short one tightly, "I'll make sure to make it up to you"

Lia flashed a small smile forcing some emotion to come out, "Not a problem at all! You know you can count on me"

The maknae happily kissed her unnie's cheek before skipping away. The member waited until the maknae was out of sight before dropping her forced smile and sighing deeply. 

She rubbed her tired eyes and looked at the clock.

"It's late already..." She mumbled. Her voice was groggy and tired but it all changed when she saw the handsome girl approaching her. "Ryu! Do you need anything?"

Her sweet voice and flashy smile came back once again. Ryujin scoffed seeing Lia's mood change when she approached her. She sighed and pulled Lia by the arm to hug her. 

"Tsk come here. You're the one in need Julia"

Lia, although visibly confused, accepted the hug and hugged back. 

"Hm? What do you mean? I'm completely fine"

"Drop the act Lia, I know you already..." 

She rubbed the shorter girls back and broke the hug. Lia gave a halfhearted nod and avoided looking at Ryujin by staring at the floor. 

"Don't even try denying it


Ryujin frowned, furrowing her eyebrows trying to read the older girl in front of her, "Sorry? Why are you apologizing?"

Maybe Ryujin's tone came off cold and disappointed, but it made Lia's tear drop to the cold tiles of their dorm. This didn't go unnoticed by Ryujin who gently cupped the crying girl's cheeks and tilted it up to look at her. 

"Hey, please don't cry... I'm sorry if I hurt you"

Wiping the tears off her face, she laid a kiss at the corner of her lips hoping to make it up to her. 

"It's not your fault Ryujin, I'm just exhausted... from practice"

She lied. She wasn't really tired from practice, she was exhausted of taking care of others before herself.

"I understand," She intertwined her fingers with Lia's and caressed it with her thumb. "Let's go back to your room and lay down okay?"

Lia nodded and followed the blonde girl behind not letting go of her hand. For the first time in a while, she actually feels rested. 

Ryujin gives her the feeling of being in a safe sanctuary where you can let your guard down and put your problems away.

She plopped Lia down her bed and laid beside her, putting the blankets over them. "Are you feeling fine now?"

"Yes, all thanks to you" 

Ryujin saw Lia smile genuinely. It wasn't fake or forced or halfhearted like usual, it was an actual smile she meant from her heart. 

Besides from her smile, she also noticed the dark, heavy bags under her eyes. She wasn't getting enough sleep. 

It was due to the fact of her working at the company, putting all her members problems on her, and her crippling anxiety every comeback. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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