Drunken Night, Sober thoughts

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Lia was peacefully sleeping when the ringing sound of her phone caused her to wake up, "What time is it?" she yawned and said groggily. She rubbed her eyes adjusting her vision before turning on her phone. 

The light emitting from the screen was bright enough to wake her up. She squinted her eyes, adjusting the brightness before checking who the caller was. Unexpectedly it was her ex, Ryujin. She didn't really know if she wanted to answer the call since she was calling late at night, but she figured Ryujin wouldn't randomly call unless something happened. 

She yawned before tiredly taking the phone to her ear and answered, "Hello? What do you want?" She said in an irritated tone. She was surprised to hear another mans voice on the other side of the line.

"Hello? Is this Choi Lia?" He asked

"Yes, How may I help you?"  It was startling hearing a man's voice through the screen. The thought of Ryujin dating a man bugs her, yet makes her laugh. 'did she turn straight after our breakup? She did tell me she wouldn't date any other woman besides me'. Other than the mans voice, she could also hear crying in the background. It sounded like it was from a woman, perhaps someone she was familiar with.

"I'm sincerely sorry for waking you up at this time but you're girlfriend is throwing a tantrum at the bar. Would you mind picking her up?" He asked hesitantly. Lia didn't want to take care of someone right now, specially if it was her ex. Her heart still aches thinking about her. She wasn't ready to talk to her again after a year and a half of breaking up. So she politely declined.

"I'm sorry I can't, I'm a very busy woman and-"

"Please ma'am. You're the only one in her emergency contacts" Lia sighed in defeat. She eventually agreed and proceeded to get her car keys and jacket. On the way to the bar, she couldn't stop thinking about Ryujin. Why was I her emergency contact? Girlfriend? Didn't she block me? I'm sure it was a mistake, she said she hated me.

So many questions running through her head that she didn't even realize she was already at the bar. She took a deep breath before going out of the car and into the building. She scanned the place trying to find Ryujin, before seeing a man waving his hand. She ran up to the two and thanked him. 

"Hey! Thank you so much for watching her" She said lifting Ryujin up. She struggled lifting her up so the man offered to do it for her. "It's really nothing, she's a regular here at the bar, so you could say we're a bit close." 

After that small chit chat with the guy, Lia carried her ex back to her car, putting a seatbelt on her. She was out of breath, not because she carried her all the way to the car, but because she was stunned seeing Ryujin there. It's been a while since she saw her face to face, she was surprised she was prettier than before, handsome even. Besides her swollen eyes and puffy cheeks, she still looks like the same old Ryuddaeng she left.

She got on the drivers side when she felt soft hands land on her thigh. She tried to ignore it, but Ryujin's fingers started to brush slowly against it. "Can you please stop? It's bothering me"

"Am I really bothering you, or are you just getting distracted?" She said revealing her whisker dimples. She must be really drunk to be smiling crazy like that. Even when they were together, she rarely showed her dimples.

A tint of red quickly spread across her cheeks making the younger girl chuckle more. "Do you like me that much?" 

"Oh shut up." She said rolling her eyes playfully,  "do you have your house keys? Are you feeling okay?" She said glancing at her right, putting on her seatbelt

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