1~another day, another hangover

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The sunlight begins to creep in through the garage door of Shaun's apartment. Our alarms haven't gone off yet and the temptation to turn them off before they do is very high. Shaun and Francisca had allowed Katy to convince them to go out the night before, and Francisca seemed to be paying the price for it now. Shaun on the other hand, she had no idea.  Her best friend volunteered to sleep on the floor in order to avoid the trip of walking to Fransica's apartment.

Not that the man mind doing so but it was three in the morning and Shaun had an early shift with Katy, plus Franny was completely and utterly drunk. She could barely stand, let alone walk the rest of the way home. Francisca also had the day off which is why Shaun suggested that she spend the night at his place and she could return home in the morning.

Franny dug her head into the pillow breathing in Shaun's cologne immediately finding comfort in his bed. As if right on cue, the alarm Shaun had set the night before began screaming at the brown haired girl. She groaned and rolled over on the bed, slapping her hand down on the clock. She immediately began to rub her eyes and lift herself into a sitting position. She looked around looking for a tuft a hair that indicated that her best friend was still around. She then crawled forward towards the end of the bed and spotted him with a pillow and covered with a small blanket that reached his ankles. Franny felt bad about the condition he slept in but also admired that he respected her by not having her in the position he is now.

"Shaun?" She whispers. The only response from the man below her was a soft snore. She then lowers her hand and taps his back. This seems to annoy him a little and cause him to wave his hand back. She didn't want to disturb him again because of how peaceful he look but Franny decides to continue to poke the sleeping bear and shakes him once more. "SHAUN!" She yells.

The man immediately wakes up and rolls over on his back. He covers his face with his harm letting out a groan.

"What time is it?" He ask as he begins to rub his eyes.

"The time is your late for work?" Franny lies to him and Shaun immediately jumps off the floor. He begins scouring the room for his work clothes and the girl in his bed can't help but start laughing. Shaun stops his hunt and looks over at her.

"What's so funny?" He asks. Franny continues to giggle and finally calm down enough to speak a word.

"You should of seen your face, it's only 6:30 Shaun." He rolls his eyes and begins to walk back over to the bed. He picks up his pillow off the floor and playfully hits Franny with it.

"Hey!" She as well grabs the pillow she was resting on and begins to fight with Shaun. They both pummel each other until they've both satisfied their funny bone for the day.

"As a thank you for letting me spend the night, why don't I cook you some breakfast while you get ready." Franny suggests, Shaun agrees and gathers his work clothes heading into the bathroom.

Franny walks over to the kitchen where she manages to find a few slices of bacon and four eggs.

"He really needs to go grocery shopping." Franny mutters as she begins to prepare the meal. She finishes up the eggs as Shaun walks out in his uniform and his hair slicked back.

"Well how do I look?" He asks.

"Like you park cars for a living." She replies as she scoops eggs onto each of their plates. She walks them over to the table and takes a seat. Shaun walks over as well handing Franny a water bottle and they begin to eat.

"You might want to drink a bunch of those today. You were really messed up last night." Shaun suggests.

"Really? How bad?" I ask now noticing the growing headache and the brightness of the small apartment.

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