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Yoongi stood silently in the elevator, hoping that no one would try to engage him in conversation. It's not that he disliked being in social situations he just wasn't too fond of the idea of someone attempting to converse with him while he was actually very irritated and tired.

The moment he had stepped back in daegu innumerable amount of people had already approached him, asking for the time or directions to somewhere, and Yoongi being a soft hearted prince charming helped each and every person he met.

The elevator stopped with a faint ding, bringing Yoongi out of his thoughts and he rushed out of the elevator as fast as he could without dropping all of his luggage.

He sighed as he walked back into his old house placing his suitcases and equipment bag on the single bed. He sighed heavily and sat on the soft bed with nothing but utter silence.

Yoongi checked his watch briefly. He frowned at the time, realizing that Jimin and Hoseok were probably still asleep back home. That means he couldn't Skype or contact them to tell them that the flight had been a safe one, or just to hear their voice for at least a couple more hours.

Yoongi loved coming back to daegu, but not like this, leaving his two beautiful boyfriends behind there in soul. But looking at his house were he use to stay alone all day before moving to Seoul made his chest feel tingles as he remembered atleast he wasn't going to return to an empty house at the end of the week like he was now.

This time, he was going to come home to two loving boyfriends, who Yoongi already misses more than he'd like to admit. He definitely missed his home but he just loves Hoseok and Jimin more....

With another sigh, he decided to unpack what he'd be needing for the next two days. Two whole days he thought to himself. Two damn days without Hoseok and Jimin.

Yoongi carefully took out his equipment and laid it out on the small desk provided in his room, taking out his some important documents and camera for a moment to examine it.

He opened his camera going through the photo the camera with a big gummy smile adorned on his small face. He could see several photos of Jimin that the boy had taken of himself. As he kept looking through he saw a few more of Jimin pouting and making adorable faces at the camera, and then some of Hoseok joining in. Those photos were from this morning they probably took before yoongi was leaving Seoul.

He could almost hear Jimin saying, "These photos are so you don't miss us too much hyung!" and at that he let out a snort.
He was just about to shut off his camera when his phone rang loudly from the opposite side of the room. As soon as he unlocked it to answer, a voice shouted frantically into his ear.

"Yoongi, the meeting was moved to today! It's in two hours!"

"Shit, are you serious?" Yoongi replied to his coworker, putting his head in his free hand.

"I was lucky enough to be next to some of the people we're working with this week while waiting for a cab from the airport. They were telling me that the meeting was re-scheduled last minute."

"Fuck," Yoongi said under his breath, "I wanted to at least take a damn nap first."

"You're lucky I even called you to tell you Yoongi. I could have just left your ass in the dark about this whole thing." His friend said, a hint of mock annoyance in his tone.

"Whatever mark you actually need me there. Maybe I just won't show up at all." And Yoongi was really considering it, because he was pretty exhausted and was slightly too busy being caught up in how much he missed his boyfriends.

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