A Whisper of Guidance

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"You're too slow, Will," Tristan shouted, sprinting ahead as if nothing else mattered in this world.

Racing like that wasn't uncommon for the two of us. However, I had another objective in mind today that demanded I take my time despite my muscles roaring with repressed energy.

Mom strolled peacefully beside me and showed no desire to emulate the same tenacity and spirit that had possessed Tristan, so I restrained myself.

"Is everything really okay at the mansion?" I asked Mom, hoping for a more detailed description of how they treated her at the mansion since neither Dad nor Tristan could hear her.

Dad walked alongside Keagan a few steps behind us, conversing like old friends. They appeared occupied, and Tristan was focused on winning a race in which he was the sole competitor, so this was my opportunity to speak with Mom privately.

Mom smiled, but it wasn't the smile I'd hoped to see. It was the same smile she'd given me on my first day at the mansion, so I knew she still wouldn't tell me the truth. "Of course, Darling. They leave me be to do my job the way I'm used to, and Mrs. Deveroux keeps her son on a short leash to avoid the Guardians being summoned following the recent incident."

The voice in my head rang hollow as I mentally repeated her words. The recent incident...

She was being vague, which meant I wouldn't get anything close to the answers I sought. Even if I directly addressed her bruises, she'd likely just lie again, thinking she was protecting me.

I sighed and dropped the topic for now. Instead, I focused on following Tristan's chaotic running style.

It was incredible to see him use every limb of his body to run as fast as he could, regardless of how ridiculous he looked. I loved how he still viewed the world as this magical place full of secrets waiting to be discovered. I hoped that wouldn't change too soon.

"Tristan, wait!" I shouted when he unexpectedly turned to run along a path opposite the direction leading to the town's heart. Mom grabbed my shoulder before I could sprint after him.

"We're not going to the station, Will." She inhaled the fresh winter air. "Tristan knows exactly where we're going."

"But weren't you taking me to see that part of the city?" I asked, wondering what estranged plans she could possibly have in mind.

She grinned before grabbing my wrist. I didn't know where she pulled the energy from, but we were suddenly running across the frozen ground.

Mom didn't stop until we arrived at the entrance to a park area. She let me go and braced her hands on her knees, panting hard.

I leaned against the closest tree, my lungs burning from the stinging air, making it hard to catch my breath. I'd forgotten how straining and stressful the job of a maid was in that dreadful place—especially the purple notes. She was almost in as good shape as good as me despite months of hard training.

"Not so fast, young man," Mom said, catching Tristan's collar before he could run past her. "This is not a place for you to run and play. I told you that last time we were here, too."

Tristan hardly appeared to heed Mom's warning as he struggled against her iron grip. She held him back until he stopped fighting her.

I'd expected him to bolt forward when Mom let go, but to my surprise, he calmly walked along the predefined path instead.

The trees were as naked here as they were around the castle, but that didn't spoil the grandeur of the scene. The black and white bark from the trunks surrounding us starkly contrasted the brown and green bushes that paved the road ahead. The puddles formed from yesterday's rain gently reflected the faded sun, making the entire road shine like diamonds.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now