A Golden Romance

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"Do not sell yourself short," Prince Calix whispered, lifting my hand to present me before Miss Penny's icy stare. "You weren't too bad yourself during the festival of the Rising Sun."

My cheeks heated, my tongue twisting into a knot of chaos as numerous senseless words fought to press past my lips. "I—"

"Good," Miss Penny suddenly announced, her narrowed eyes scouring the room for other potential imperfections in her flawless picture. "I'd like to see everyone find the first position."

Prince Calix lowered my hand, guiding me to his front so we faced each other.

I caught the inside of my cheek between my teeth, silencing the gasp building in my throat when Calix placed his hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer to his warmth. My throat tightened when my chest brushed against his torso.

"P-Prince Calix," I stuttered, placing my hand on his shoulder, my body tensing when I couldn't distance myself from him again. "A-aren't we a little... close for this dance?"

Calix chuckled, the rumbling from his chest resonating with my body. "I have been through this dance a thousand times before, Miss Aldwyn," he whispered into my ear, his breath sending goosebumps down my spine. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

I caught a glimpse of his playful smile from the corner of my eye, the tiny scar near the corner of his lower lip stretching.

The sight of it had piqued my interest before, but I'd been too nervous to ask about it back then. Maybe I could use this moment of unexpected intimacy to learn more about him.

"So, how have you been since the festivities of the Rising Sun?" Calix asked politely, just as tunes of music began pouring from the speakers.

"Um," I said hesitantly. We'd practiced this dance many times before, but executing the steps with a partner proved more difficult than I'd anticipated. If Calix hadn't been such a natural at leading us, I might have already stepped on his feet at least ten times. "Busy," I said once my body adjusted to the rhythm of Calix's steps. "Much has happened since our last encounter; however, I am, unfortunately, not allowed to share those details with anyone apart from Miss Evelyn, the king, and your uncle."

"Not even my brother?"

I smiled, my throat tickling with a chuckle I decided to suppress. "Not even your brother."

Calix returned my gentle smile before he lowered both his hands to my waist and lifted me from one floor tile to the next,

"What about you, Prince Calix?" I asked when he took my hand again. "Has anything interesting happened in your life since we last spoke?"

Calix sighed as if the burdens of the golden name weighed as heavily on his shoulders as the crown did on Caiden's. "I am afraid not," he admitted. "My duties toward the golden crown are quite mundane compared to those of my brother. However, I do not complain. No promises or riches on this land can make me wish to assume his duties or responsibilities."

I offered him a smile that didn't quite fit the swirl of conflicting emotions and unease draping my heart. We may have been busy in the past few weeks, but Caiden had always stood by his father's side, watching us—judging us on our performance.

I had no idea what this next trial would put us through, but I strongly doubted that the ball in itself would be the test.

"I cannot imagine being a golden prince is much easier, Prince Calix," I said, brushing off the apprehension.

"Tarkan," he said.

I looked up into his sky-blue eyes, twisting my brow in a hushed query for answers to his strange announcement.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now