No Rest for the Wicked

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My pulse roared in my throat when King Cyrus stepped up to us, his eyes turning into a blazing fire when he caught sight of Raina's stained dress.

"What happened to you?" he said, gently grabbing Raina's hands to kiss her palm. "Who caused this carnage?"

He was going to kill me.

I may be slightly naive when it came to trusting others, but Queen Raina had played the role of an innocent First-blood so well that anyone of a sane mind would've been fooled. However, it was now apparent that she'd only acted that way to keep me here so her husband could smite me for ruining her dress.

Raina wouldn't let go of my wrist, so running for my life was not an option. Instead, I inhaled and held my breath, lowering my gaze to brace myself for the worst.

"Oh, stop being so aggressive, Cyrus. It doesn't suit you," Raina said, chuckling. "Besides, it's merely wine. You know how clumsy I am. I just need your jacket, so I can continue my interesting conversation with the suitor who politely offered her assistance."

My heart stopped, the blood previously rushing violently past my ears subsiding. Confused, I twisted my head to look at the Inferno Queen, whose face portrayed no malicious intent or anger. Her smile appeared genuine, causing a storm of conflicting natures within me.

I couldn't read her, and it terrified me.

King Cyrus turned to study my presence, his piercing gaze causing flashes of teasing electricity to numb my spine.

I dug my nails into my palm to pull myself together, bowing down in a curtsy deeper than I'd ever offered the golden king. "King Cyrus," I said, fighting to keep my lips from trembling. "I offer my deepest apologies for—"

"Ah!" King Cyrus suddenly exclaimed, interrupting me before I could confess my wrongdoings. "The Wildcard."

I nearly lost balance when King Cyrus grabbed my hand to shake it, pulling me up again. "What a pleasure to finally greet you."

His hands were warmer than the ordinary person's. It didn't surprise me. King Cyrus ruled over the Inferno Realm. The heat was part of his nature.

"T-the pleasure is all mine, King Cyrus," I stuttered, still unsure which emotions were appropriate to display.

Just like his wife, King Cyrus appeared kind—curious.

"I'm ashamed to admit that I had my reservations about you in the beginning, Miss Aldwyn," he said, squeezing my hand tighter without crushing it. "I mean, allowing an Iridis who barely placed among the top ten of her class to participate in the Crown Trials didn't exactly please the majority of the royal houses. However, you have indeed proved yourself to be a wildcard. Such power is rare—even among the royals. You have earned my utmost respect regardless of your final placement in this competition."

"Thank you, King Cyrus," I said, hardly able to force the whispers past my twisted tongue.

I didn't deserve praise like that. I'd only made it this far because of all the help and support I'd received from the people around me.

Bristles raised across the nape of my neck when Raina cleared her throat beside us.

"Ah, yes," King Cyrus said, chuckling nervously as if Raina terrified even him. "I apologize, my love."

King Cyrus let go of my hand to take off his blazer. I swallowed a sigh of relief when blood finally surged through my aching hand again, savoring the unpleasant pulsation around the tips of my fingers.

"Thank you, Darling," Raina said when King Cyrus placed the blazer around her shoulders. "While I have your attention, I might add that Lord Farrow is seeking you. He mentioned something about a certain exchange from the previous fortnight."

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now