Symphonies of Dawn

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I waited until the wound cut along my left lower arm stopped bleeding before I ripped off a piece of my inner skirt to cover the markings. I'd learned a thing or two from Adriel and Faye about matching fragments of clothes, so making the windings appear as a natural part of my outfit didn't trouble me as much as it would've done last year.

Fury still pounded ferociously against my temples, leaving my skin damp and clammy.

Tarkan had some nerve talking about my family and the other First-bloods like that. He may have said those hurtful things to get under my skin, but it worked like a charm.

First-bloods weren't less just because their blood didn't grant them the same powers as the Iridis. Some had more potential in their pinkie compared to many of the Iridis I'd had the pleasure of encountering, and I had my heart set on proving that. Tarkan was going to eat those words once I completed my training.

I pulled my hair into a decent ponytail and quietly returned to the party without drawing attention.

Not much had changed since I'd left the room. Music still poured from the speakers. Those who weren't dancing stood along the walls and tables, enjoying the served refreshments and talking loudly to make themselves heard above the music.

I'd stopped caring about this trial. All that mattered was getting stronger; for that, I'd need Art.

I raised to the tips of my toes, craning my neck as much as possible to search the crowd for my master's face. Flames erupted from my heart when I saw him standing on the other side of the dance floor, accompanied by Cyrus.

It would be rude to interrupt them and pull my master aside, but these royal faces could get lost for all I cared. The raging fire inside me burned bright enough for me to combust if I didn't do something about it now.

I made my way through the crowd step by step—attentive not to step on any feet. I did not need another incident like before.

My heart beat faster the closer I came to my target. Finally, I opened my mouth to call for Art when a hand wrapped around my arm to hold me back.

"Where are you going in such a rush?"

The violent flames inside me turned to smoke when I turned to find Caiden clinging to my arm, reaching for me between the closest row of people.

"Ca— Prince Atlas," I said, stopping myself before I spoke his chosen name for everyone to hear. "I— Um..."

My mind had been so clear a few important moments ago, but the more I stared into Caiden's hopeful eyes, the more clouded it became. Suddenly, I couldn't remember how to form the words I needed to make him let go. However, it would probably be unwise to reject the crown prince on his birthday in front of these people.

Cursed blood....

I peered out of the corner of my eye to see if I could coerce Art to help me, but he wasn't there anymore, leaving me with no excuse to avoid this situation.

"H-happy birthday," I foolishly said instead, unable to think of a better response as he moved closer.

Caiden's suit appeared different from Tarkan and Art's. He wore no tie or butterfly; instead, a golden medallion decorated his chest.

Underneath was a sleeveless, dark blue jerkin of suede leather with a golden imprint sewn across his chest and shoulders. His wrists were cuffed with a pair of brown leather arm bracers with the same golden print to ensure that the sleeves of his white dress shirt didn't slip over his hands.

"Thank you," Caiden said, awarding me a swooning smile that made my knees feel soft.

Caiden slowly eased his grip on my arm, gently moving his fingers past my elbow until he reached my hand. The touch made me shiver, urging me to hold my breath so I didn't gasp out loud.

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