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Armin's point of view:

The buzzing of my alarm woke me up, remembering its monday today. A sudden knock on the door got me to get up from the bed, groaning in annoyance its still very early but the knocking only got louder and louder. "Sir Armin? Your mother told me to wake you up" one of the maids told me gently, i stood up opening the door. "Oh tell her I'll be down in a second" i replied shorty, she nods and went down. Closing the door once more i went to the bathroom.

"Armin dear? Are you in the bathroom?" My mother called out, i grabbed the comb and went out the door greeting her good morning. "Yeah i just finnish taking a bath" i explained, she looks at me and she smiled brightly. "Well then finnish getting ready and come down stairs we have important matters to discuss" she informed leaving my room. I sat down the bed looking at the mirror on my table.

I'm guessing it's going to be another ball room event or clan meetings, its hard being part of a royal family. But hey i still get to see my friends. Deciding to think a bit more positively, its not that bad going to thoes events since I've been attending them when i was younger.

I went down wearing my uniform and went to sit down the table. Mother and father started asking me about my studies and of course i answered them honestly, "Armin? How is training?" Father ask suddenly causing me to chocked. Clearing my throat before answering, "Its going great father, fencing is somewhat a challenge at first but i got the hang of it. Either way i prefer horse back riding" i admit, he seems pleased with my answer and didn't question more.

Moments later they started to talk about a princess but they never mentioned her name though, "Armin i heard that she's the same age as you and the rest, mybe you guys can try and be friends once you meet each other" mother suggested, well i am interested who she might be. They wont tell her name for some reasons, she might be someone more important.

"Sure i wont mind but when can we meet her?" Now it was my turn to ask them, the both stop what they're conversation looking at me surprise.

They both smiled gently, mybe because i have a hard time meeting new people and getting this interested is kind of a shocker.

"You'll meet her soon, mybe on the next Clan meeting" father replied to my question, i humed and continued eating breakfast. Once i was done i excuse myself to grabbed my school bag upstairs. Once i have it i kiss my parents goodbye and went to the car.


Arriving at school like always many eyes where on me as the driver dropped me off. "Sir do you want me to park here or the other place?" My draver ask since he knows the looks i get from other students. I told him to park somewhere else and he can wait until class is over.

I walked inside and everyone just stared at me, to be honest I'm quiet use to it by now ever since we all went to this school they've been treating us differently.

I always ignore them but some actually want to get physical with me, some girls just gawk at my appearance while some just look at me with disgust. Boys on the other hand call me a nerd or mainly weak since i dont join any sports in school.

Probably the only people that i can trust are my bestfriends and a few classmates, "Armin! Wait up!" Speaking of which Eren ran up to me panting, then Mikasa was right behind him glaring at people coldly.
I greeted them as always and we started walking to class early, Mikasa and Eren started bickering and i was trying to stop them.

"Oi stop that Jaeger is still very early" Someone said bluntly, we look back and it...was Levi and Hange! They're finally here. "A-ah yes sorry Levi" both Eren and Mikasa apologize, "good morning Levi and to you as well Hange" i greeted, Levi nodded and Hange smiled. All four of them are royals that's one thing and we all met when we are still young.

Levi and Mikasa are siblings, while Eren and Hange are cousins. Both her and Levi are 3 years older than us, so basically their like our parents in this school. Saving us from bullying of others and help us study. We started to talk about random topics mostly us listening to Hange ramble about her research.


Immerse in our conversation i barely paid attention to where i was going when i suddenly bump into someone causing us to fall. I look infront of me was girl wearing a white hoddie under our school uniform. I got up quickly and started to pick up the things she dropped. "I-i'm very sorry miss I-i really didn't mean to bump into you" I suttered embarrassed, i reach my hand down to her and she grabbed it pulling her up gently.

"It's fine i wasn't looking where i was going either" she replied, hearing her reply to me with such gentle tone was surprising. Her voice was calming is a way making my panicking ease, i look back at her examining her features.

She has light blonde hair and crystal blue eye that looks mesmerizing. She was a few inches smaller than me but she doesn't look like a frail girl. "A-Armin by the way" i introduced myself clumsily, stretching my hand out to her. She grabbed it hesitantly but shaked it non the less,
"Annie, my name is..Annie"

"Annie huh? What a pretty name" i accidentally blunted out loud, her cheek stain red and i look her questioningly when i realized what i said. Pulling my hand away carefully blushing in embarrassment once more. "I-i'm sorry i didn't mean to say it out lou- wait amm thats not what i meant!" I jumbled my words, she looked at me and giggled. Making me blush harder.

Stupid Arlert you seriously just said that out loud? You barely knew her ugh. Look at her now she's laughing at you. "Its alright but thank you no one really compliments me so openly" she said quietly, i kind of just stared at her i mean how? She looks so beautiful how can no one compliment her? I snapped put of it and give her the things she dropped when we collided.

"Oh and thank you once again...Armin" she said before walking away, i stared at her figure until she was out of sight. She somehow says my name weirdly but its cute, somewhat like Mikasa who says Eren's name a bit differently.

"Well well looks who's love stuck now" Hearing Eren tease me only got me to blush more crimson red, they started to laugh how i look and kept saying i have a crush on her. "I dont! Because i just helped her doesn't mean i have a crush on her!" I argued but no one listened.

"Yeah right you dont have a crush on her" Hange replied sarcastically, i just groaned this is so embarrassing.

Well..she is pretty though, one of kind i would say. Mybe i can get to know you better...Annie.

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