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Armin's point of view:

Things didn't make any sense, at first we were all happy...the party was going wonderful, no problems whatsoever. Then everything just turned all black and blurry, the last thing i heard..was Annie calling for me.

I see people running and rushing out the doors, people wearing black suits came in with these kind of orange boards. I layed there in the middle of the chaos, i heard people shouting saying they needed the paramedics help.

Ny breathing was ragged my vision was blurry, my surroundings were all...destroyed. my ears started to ring, i could see fire not to far from me. I don't know where the rest of the guys are.

Though I heard a voice, "Kill them all..but keave the blond one to me" i tryed lifting my head up to see, but the slightest movement only cause me more pain. I could feel half of my body, from the waist down was just numb.

I felt and heard heavy footsteps come closer to where i layed in the ice cold floors, they kneeled down. Their gloved hands slowly reaching out to my face. I heard them chuckle " are the one and only Arlert am i right?" I tugged my head away as i heard them.

They scowled but laughed right after. People in the room were all stress free, and talking to their friends. The night was perfect, everyone was happy and waiting for the time the clock will hit twelve, them happily waiting for Christmas to arrive.

"Let's just end your misery..shall we?"

Their hands held a gun, the gun was pointed right at me. I guess this is my end, though i haven't told her what i felt. I hope she's going to be okay..

Not so long after the gun clicked....



"Armin..honey wake up.." my eye's fluttered open, though i was met with such a pleasant sight. Her wide beauty smile was plastered to her face, her hair usually in a bun was let out lose. She was hovering over me, i saw her hands was resting over my chest.

This couldn't be real right? I-i just saw her running out the room when I saw the people who came and hurt us.. she was arguing with me, saying she won't leave me alone. I begged her to leave me, i just needed her to be safe.

"Annie? Didn't i- nevermind good morning.." i stopped myself when i saw her worried look, she stood up straight before turning her back to me.
"Come down when you're dress okay? The kids are waiting for you" she said and left the room.

I sat up straight when i heard her, d-did she say kids? But we're only kids what is she talking about.
I took a glace at the bedside table, the clock was only seven in the morning.

I got up and followed what she told, i gave the place a good glace before leaving. The room i was in was a masters bedroom, once i closed the doors i was greeted with huge semi empty halls.

The place was not giving me a sense of familiarity whatsoever, everything was just a foreign place.
I got lost seeing how massive this place really is.

Not so long after i finaly made my way to the dining hall, i peeked my head through the door.
I saw Annie was seated there, hersides her were two kids. One was a boy while the other was a girl.

The only difference between the two was that the girl had a darker shade of blonde hair than the other. Both kids had bright ocean like eyes.
"Daddy's here!" I looked up and was greeted with a tight hug from the girl.

I stood there like ice as she clung into me like her life depended on it. I rubbed her back after a while.
"Asherah! Let Dad go! He's going to be late!" I saw the older boy come closer and tryed to pry the girl- Asherah as he called her.

Her iron gripped loosen, she faced the boy and pout. "You always said that! But the reason is you just wanna hug Daddy too!" She argued when the boy smiled and came to me with open arms.

I gave him a small embare before Annie called for both of them. "Aakil, Asherah you're breakfast will get cold" she said to the kids as they rushed back to their seats.

I followed their trails and sat on the other side of Annie. Listening to both kids conversation got me a bit curious so i listened intently. "Daddy! I got top of the class yesterday! The teacher was so happy" Asherah ranted out.

I gave her a small smile before talking. "Well that's great them sweetheart, better keep up the good work" i praise her, i didn't know whaf else to say.
These kids saw me as their father, but I'm only fifteen..just how?

"Mom! My PE teacher said i was good in the field and was going to see if i could be in one of the sports teams in school!" Yelled Aakil, his arms waved in air like mad and he told Annie about it.

She only laughed and gave him a small peck on his head. "That's great then, both of you really make me and your Father proud.."

I guess this world wasn't so bad after all, i have a family here, better yet a family with the person whom i love. We have two amazing and intelligent kids, living in basically our own paradise.

A huge house and so on, i couldn't have asked for more than this. Though Annie and the kids are enough. Asherah seem to enjoy more on reading and writing than Aakil, he was more on the athletic type, seeing how his built is more toned and bigger than his average age.

I never knew this was the family i always wanted..



I turned my head to the sides when i heard the voice. Knowing how familiar it is, i couldn't help but try and respond. Though no words came out of my mouth.

"Armin please wake up!" I burst my eyes open, i gasped for air as i did so. I sat up but fell down in an instant, the room was spinning like mad and my eyes were still blurry like before. Who knows how long i have been out for.

The spinning went away after some time, i looked up the ceiling only to find it colored white with shiny lights. I turned to the side and saw a window not so far from the bed i was in.

I tried hard to look out but miserably failed, i saw the outside was shimmering white snow. I peeked my head for a bit seeing a few people was out and about.

I felt a hard thing hit my back and when i turned my saw my mother. Her head was buried against my chest, i could hear her crying her heart out.
Slowly she started to come down.

"I'm so glad you're awake..."

To be continued...

(A/N: okay guys i tried :) but! I can't believe I'm ending it though, but there's more coming soon so just wait for it! Thanks to all who stuck with me with this, yeah I'm still new to this so i ain't that good. But this ends here though! Ryn signing off! Also sorry for my typos :( "

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