4: Meeting The Boss

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Gwendaline marched through the corridor with Y/N tagging along.

Y/N "So...uh, why am I meeting this woman?"

Gwendaline "She is not just 'some woman', she us our leader and I have no idea why she wants you. I'm not allowed to know."

Y/N "Oh...sorry."

Gwendaline "This way please."

The two turned a corner and infront of them stood a giant set of golden doors, images of winged women engaging in barbaric fighting one another with a bright spark on the seem of the door. Gwendaline swung open the doors and the two walked into a grand hall with the same plush red walls as the rest of the building it was hard to even tell what the colour of the floor was was because it was covered in rugs, furs and hides. At the end of the hall, where Y/N expected to see some sort of throne or grand chair of sorts, was a giant bed with all manner of pillows, baknkets, throws, sheets and cushions thrown about in a very disfunctional order.

As Y/N walked closer to the bed he saw a woman lying there asleep, she was was wearing a knitted pink sweater and a pair of knee high socks. Her long black hair was a complete mess and covered her eyes from view, a pile of druel had formed next to her head.

Y/N "Not what I was expecting."

Gwendaline "Bare with me just one sec."

Gwendaline walked over to the bed and stepped on it, she marched over to the woman and got on her knees next to her head. Gwendaline gently moved the hair out of the woman's face, she was breathtaking! Y/N was taken aback, her beuty was like nothing he had ever seen. Gwendaline then raised her hand and smacked it down on the woman's forehead.


Gwendaline "Please don't call me that infront of someone."

??? "Som-oh shit is the guy here?"

Gwendaline "Yes that's why I woke you up."

??? "Okay just gimme a sec."

Gwendaline got off of the bed and positioned herself next to Y/N again, after that the woman stood up on the bed, she clicked her finger and a ring of light went from head to toe on her body, the ring fixed her hair and made it long and silky and it draped over her shoulders. Y/N could see her eyes more clearly now, they were a beautiful dark purple with specs of gold scattered all over. The ring then went about fixing her messed up clothes and turned them perfect, not wrinkle in sight.

Y/N made a bowing gesture to the woman.

??? "Ha! Oh you're funny! I'm nt that important."

Y/N "Oh okay."

??? "Anyway I'm Lily and you must be Y/N."

Y/N "Yes."

Lily sat on the edge of her bed and patted her hand on a part of the bed next to her, she gave Y/N a warm smile.

Lily "Come sit."

Y/N "Um okay."

Y/N slowly made his way to where Lily had indicated for him to sit and sat down, Lily reached behind the both if them and grabbed a blanket that she then draped over Y/N's shoulders. She let the blanket go and gave his hair a quick rub.

Lily "I thought you might be cold considering you aren't wearing that much, also you have really soft hair!"

Y/N "I get that alot."

Lily "So Courtney gave you the tour right?"

Y/N "Yeah."

Lily "Don't worry whatever she said doesn't apply to you anymore. So as you know, us moster girls need your semen to sustain ourselves, well as one of the commanders of the monster girls, I get to pick where I get my semen from. And well, I've decided I wanna get it from you."

Y/N "Wait what! I don't wan-"

Lily "It wont be that bad, trust me on this, I literally sleep all the time so you just get to hang out all day and you can nap on the bed, and every now and again you get to have the best sex you've ever had with one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen! Besides, you cant really say no."

Gwendalin "What about the pow-"

Lily "shh. Why does everyone keep interupting me today, but to answer your question I need to test it first."

Gwendalin "Understood."

With that Gwendaline walked out of the hall and took a left towards a place Y/N hadn't been yet. Y/N turned back to look at Lily to ask where she had gone but Lily was already asleep.

Y/N "Wow she wasn't even lying."

Y/N got up and had a look around he hall, there were numerous suits of red armour on either side of all the doors and windows, Y/N walked up to the one that was nearest to him, he gave the armour a poke, the metal was solid. He then gave it a light push and the armour crumpled into a pile on the floor, the pieces making piercig metallic clangs as they fell. Y/N's eyed widened with fear and his face flush red with embaressment. He looked around and could've sworn he heard a noise. Y/N moved over to the next statue and lift up the helmet, as he took it off though he saw...A girl!

Y/N "AAHH!!"

??? "AAHH!!"

Y/N fell back on his ass and let go of the helmet which rolled to the center of the room.

Y/N "What! Why?"

??? "Haha!"

Y/N looked behind him and saw that another one of the suits of armour had keeled over with laughter.

??? "Hahaha!! Pam you looked terrified! Ha!"

Pam "Shutup!"

Pam was red and blushing in a curled up ball on the floor, the other girl had stopped laughing and had sat next to Pam, Y/N had stood back up at this point and was watching the two.

??? "Hey, I'm Leila, you must be Y/N."

Y/N "Hi, so what's going on?"

Leila "Oh she just gets like this sometimes."

Y/N "No I mean the fact that you're both wearing armour and standing around like statues."

Leila "We're the guards, there are loads of suits of armour but only two of us. We alternate guards and the positions we stand to make it harder for intruders. We're meant to swap every half day."

Y/N "Oh well that's just, if it's for security then why did you tell me?"

Leila "No idea."

Y/N "Okay I'm gonna go nap."

Leila "Laters Y/N."

Y/N layed on the corner of Lily's bed and went to sleep.

Monster girls x male prisoner (crimson city)Where stories live. Discover now