05: Realizations

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"We always have a competition in which we do not expect sometimes"


Lumine thought that helping in a preparation for a huge event would be easier than fighting a bunch of hilichurls.

It was clearly a bad idea.

How did she even got in a situation like this in the first place? It was a peaceful morning at Liyue and Lumine wasn't even out of her inn room and yet someone was already outside, waiting for her to come out.

Lumine opens the door. "Oh hey Zhongli, what's up."

Zhongli bows a little to show a little courtesy as he greeted Lumine with a low and rasp voice. "Good  morning, traveller. How have you been?"

Lumine comes out of the inn with Paimon and walks together with Zhongli, heading to a place where god-knows-where. "The director, Hu Tao, asked me to fetch you. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor will be sponsoring the upcoming event."

Lumine looks at Zhongli with a confused stare. "The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor? Do they have enough funds to sponsor the said event?"

At this rate, she is curious on how to event host or help in an event.

"I believe so, but I think the Northland Bank will be sponsoring the event as well. I'm sure they want to do that to earn Liyue's trust again."

Paimon began to join the conversation. "That's true. With the whole Fatui situation, I'm sure they want to redeem themselves—that is if they still want to have a branch in Liyue."

Lumine, Zhongli, and Paimon have arrived at the Yujing Terrace which seemed to be more busier than usual. There were a few workers that are putting banners here and there, and some are arranging the other decorations too. There were a few bystanders that are doing nothing but a chit-chat with their friends about the said event. In the center, there was Ningguang that is being accompanied by Keqing and Ganyu who seemed to be checking the things that are needed in the said event.  There was Xinyan who was doing a testing at the stage with her guitar. At the side, Childe was there who seemed to be discussing important matters with Hu Tao.

Zhongli brings Lumine near the stage where there was a table at the side which had jades and rocks placed on it. Zhongli began to look at them and Lumine was more intrigued than ever.

"These are some jades that will be used to decorate the stage. They will be placed at the rim, to be able to reflect the moon's glow during the night. The Lantern Rite brings glow and joy to the prosperous harbor of Liyue."

'Lantern Rite, so that's what it's called...' Lumine thought.

Zhongli continued on with his statements as he stared at both Lumine and the jades. "Liyue is similar to you. It shines and perseveres during the day, and it glows and it's calm during the night. I am honored to meet such hardworking but delicate person like you." He stares at the noctilucous jade and hands one to Lumine. "Here, keep it as a... token of my gratitude. And admiration."

Lumine smiles as she stares and grasps on the gem with her soft palms. "Thank, Zhongl-"

"Oh hello there, comrades. What topic are we in?" Childe butts into the conversation as he goes beside Lumine who is shocked at his appearance. "Talking about jewels and jades, I see."

Lumine gives Childe a playful pat. "Oh my. Don't you dare scare me like that again! And yes, Zhongli and I are talking about jades and the stage design."

Childe chuckled as he gave Zhongli a cold, death stare. "I see. You two seemed to be enjoying it. Sorry to ruin the conversation but... I need to borrow Ms. Traveller over here. Would that be okay, Mr. Zhongli?"

Both of them stared at each other with a serious look.

"Sure. But don't go anywhere. Ningguang still needs to see her." Zhongli commented as he is still observing the jades.

Childe grabs Lumine's hand as he pulls him to the higher ground of the Yujing Terrace. "I won't.  Just need to speak with her for a while." He shouts.

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Paimon floated around as she followed the two to the higher ground of area. Lumine feels a little uneasy as she felt Childe's grasp tighten on her wrist. "Hey there, buddy. Slow down. Ow , ow."

Childe releases Lumine's hand as they arrived to his desired area. It was the open area where the death of the so-called Liyue archon used to be. Lumine had a lot of memories in that area. The pounding experiences that she had when the millelith tried to capture her, the time where she first met Childe, her first time to go up to the Jade chamber. Everything became nostalgic to her which almost made her tear up. Childe pants as he rested himself on the rails of the balcony and stared at the sea that is before them.

"Do you have someone in mind, to take to the Lantern Rite with you?"

Lumine became speechless. She didn't know that she has to bring someone to the event with her. She thought that Paimon was enough to be her companion for that night.

"I-" Lumine started but couldn't bring herself to speak up.

"Well, I'm not implying that you need to bring someone with you, but I thought... why don't you give Paimon some freedom, you know... to explore the event."

At that moment, Paimon had an idea on what Childe plans to do. She gives them a thumbs up as she smirked at Lumine. "Hehe, Childe is right Lumine. You should enjoy the event too while letting me explore the um... food stalls."

Childe smiles as Paimon went somewhere to look at the Glaze lilies. He took this as an opportunity to ask Lumine to go to the event with him. "Well, you see Lumine, I just want to ask you to go to....um the event with me. I could show you the traditions of Liyue, if you want."

Lumine became puzzled with Childe's words but nodded at his request. "Sure. But I'm still bringing Paimon with me."

Childe mentally facepalmed but sighed. "Alright then, everything is settled. You can now go back to the preparations unless you want Ningguang to come looking for you."

Lumine nods as she rushes back to the event site. Childe stays there and waves as she leaves but realizes on what he had done. He became confused with his actions but figured out what it was. Indeed, it was bothering him for a few days, months even , about his status with Lumine.

He has fallen head-over-heels for her.

But then, a thought crossed his mind as he is still staring at the clouds and the sea. Teyvat is a vast area and why would Teyvat's number 1 hero even fall for him? Who would even be in the right mind to fall for him? She is a good girl and he is a bad guy. They may have a few similarities here and there but they still have a lot of differences.

They are just purely opposites.

But deep inside, he knows what path he is going for. He may be loyal to the Tsaritsa but deep inside, he knew what he truly wanted. He wants to travel worlds after worlds with her and just help in finding his brother.

But he needs to find himself first. Find the goal that he would be really going for.


A/N: Hey everyone, Chapter 5 is finally out. I am so so sorry for the long hiatus as I was well trying to find inspiration to write this book and have time to play Genshin as well. I'll be trying to upload more chapters this month

I MIGHT BE HAVING A NEW BOOK TOO but it isn't genshin related. Hope you would give it a support too

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