Chapter 2

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''Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor's secret girlfriend and aspiring reporter, in the flesh !''

Kara loops around to face Nia, who is grinning at her, sat on Kara's desk, her hands nursing a single cup of coffee.

''Nia Nal, coffee addict and CatCo's most promising reporter. Good to see you, again.''

''Oh, you flatter me.'' Nia fans herself in fake timidity. Kara laughs and leans in to give a hug to her new friend who hugs back happily.

''So,'' Nia says as Kara drops Cat Grant's coffee order on her desk, along with her purse and phone, ''Ready to have your head bit off by the she-wolf herself ?''

''Miss Grant isn't that bad.'' Kara remarks and Nia only smiles. ''Are you here to give your article on L-Corp ?''

''First draft, yes. Cat knows you can't rush perfection. You did yours ?''

''Of course I did.'' Kara fake scoffs, ''I always do my homework in time.''

''You do strike as the type of girl who does. Can I read ?''

''Sure.'' Kara shrugs, going through her purse to find the few pages she hands to Nia.

Once again, Kara has to wait as someone scans over her work. And once again, she feels nervous about it. But Nia is easier to read than Lena, and Kara smiles proudly when Nia's expression gets close to utterly impressed.

When she is done, Nia hands the papers back to Kara. ''Holy shit Danvers, you can write !''

Kara laughs, slapping Nia's shoulder playfully. Nia laughs with her until her expression gets more serious. Kara sense she's about to ask a question but doesn't press her on.

''Kara ?''

Kara hums.

''You've been here for a few days, right ? How long have you known Lena Luthor ?''

''About a week ?'' Kara's statement turns into a question, confused as to where this conversation is going.

''A week ?'' Nia sounds actually surprised about this and Kara frowns. ''How can you know Luthor for only a week and already sound so love struck ?''

Kara almost choke at this. She's not. ''Am not love struck.'' Kara pouts and Nia lifts an eyebrow.

''Tell that to your writing.''

Kara is about to protest when the door of Cat Grant's private elevator dings. Nia jumps off the desk and Kara straighten up. Siobhan appears from nowhere with a pile of mail that Cat grabs in passing, heading to Kara for her coffee before motioning for her and Nia to follow her in her office. Kara grabs her article, ignoring the dirty look Siobhan throws her way.

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