Chapter 3

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''When is your article coming out, Kara ?''

Kara raises her head a bit, looking at Lena who is sat on the floor, her laptop on her knees. Kara is lying on the carpet, trying to help Jenny making a toddler size puzzle.

''Hm, before the end of the month. So, this week ?''

Lena nods and goes back to her emails. The twins are in school, their last day on Friday before the start of the Summer vacation and Lena works from home today. And Kara is bored.

She tried to ask Alex to go out with her, but she's working, same with Sam and Nia. And she doesn't have other friends here. So she stays inside, entertaining Jenny and keeping Lena company. Not that she would complain about that, she just wanted some time away so she could stop thinking about Sam's words.

But apparently, she's stuck with the Luthors and her thoughts.

Lena slams her laptop shut after a nth sigh from Kara. ''What do you want to do, Kara ?''

''Nothing.'' Kara immediately replies. She didn't mean to make Lena feel bad or take her away from her work.

Lena chuckles, ''Darling, I can't focus when your boredom is so loud.''

Kara exhale loudly and falls on her back. ''I wanted to spend some time with Alex, but she's working. And so does everyone else I know.''

''Then lets do something. You can spend time with me and Jenny.''

''And what shall we do, Miss Luthor ?'' Kara asks with a teasing smile. She quickly looses it when Jenny jumps on her stomach, making her wince with a 'oof'.

Lena thinks about it for a little while and Kara starts using the toddler as a weight to do her arms, pushing her up and down above her head, making the little girl giggle.

''How do you feel about going swimming ?'' Lena asks, smiling at her giggling daughter.

''Eliza used to take me swimming every Tuesday.''

''Do you have a swimsuit ? I don't feel like one of mine would fit you.''

''Probably not...'' Kara can't help but let her eyes slide down to Lena's breasts. Yeah, it would definitely not fit her. She shakes her head, blushing at her own line of thought, ignoring Lena's knowing smirk. ''And I have one. I mean, it's Summer, I wasn't going to be too far from my swimsuit.''

''Great. But I'm not a fan of public pools, can't go to the beach because I hate the sun and I'm definitely not going anywhere near the lake water.''

''So, what's your plan ?'' Kara asks, confused as to what other option they really have other than a bathtub.

Lena smirks at that. ''You'll see, Miss Danvers. Go get your stuff ready for swimming and we'll go.''

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