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He looked at me for a couple seconds and burst out laughing. I gave him a deadly look. I showed him my vampire fangs. Caia was very mad and was begging me to let her out. Mia was mad too, but she was more calm than Caia is. I made a fireball in my hand and looked at the guys.

"if you wish to live, leave right now. I am not coming with you Blade. I am happy with my mate Jacob and I will never coming with you." I said with hatred.

"Oh my dear, but what if we had you're grandparents? Hm? What would you do then?" he asked with a sly smile. No! No, my love ones won't be the ones to die for me.

"Leave dad or we will have to fight you and we all know who will win." Rosalie said. I went and gave her a sad smile. She didn't know her dad was a bad person. Blade's pack looked like rabid beasts. I remember when we all were friends. They were all so overprotective like brothers. I looked at Zach and he looked at me and smacked Xavier's shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. "I want you to come back and be our Luna Ashley. I know Blade isn't ideal... but we could be together forever as a pack and you wouldn't have to worry about anything. You would be loved by all of us and we could be brothers to you again." He mouthed. I shook my head. I can't do that to Jake.

"Bring them out boys." Blade commanded. Cole and Marcus brought out my grandparents. I gave them a sorry look.

"If I come with you, you will leave everyone I love alone. Right?" I said with my eyes closed on the verge of tears. I love Jake too much for him to be hurt by my hunter.

"Yes." he replied with a smile.

"Fine. Let them go and I will come with you." I replied. I gave Jacob a sorry look. I walked up to him and kissed him.

"I am so sorry Jake... I love you." I said.
"You don't have to do this! We can figure out a different way!" He told me.
"I can't risk you getting hurt by my choices! I won't let that happen! I love you too much for that Jacob!" I said and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

I walked up to my grandparents. "You're safe now. If you need anything, you ask the Cullens and Jake's pack." I said. I turned around and ran up to Jasper and gave him a big hug.
"Help my grandparents, please?" I asked him. He nodded. I gave all the Cullens a hug and then I turned to Roasile and gave her a hug.
"It's not your fault." I said. She was crying and it broke my heart. How could someone be so cruel? To their own daughter and her family?

"Okay, I'm ready." I said wiping my eyes. Blade came and kissed my cheek. I felt disgusted. We started to walk away and I turned around to see everyone crying. I broke down crying. Cole and Anthony bent down next to me. Cole picked my up and everyone shifted. He set me on Blade's back. He turned to look at me and licked me. We started running away from everything I cared about.                                ***TIME SKIP***

We arrived at his house and they showed me the room I would have until I maried Blade and we mated. That made me shiver. I went out on the little porch I had and inhaled deeply.

"Do you like it?" I could tell who it was.

"Nathan, why do you ask me these questions when you know the answers." I said. I looked at him and asked, "are you here to make sure I dont run?" I asked.
"No-" he began saying.
I jumped off the balcony and ran all the way to to where the Volturi live so that I could see my mom. I picked up the faint scent of my grandpa and started running to follow it. It was only, like 100 miles away until I finally got there.

I know it's very suddent but I wanted to make it a little longer and it's Spring Break. I have 3 essay questions due for History on Tuesday... stupid teacher! I cant wait for highschool!! I have the first one started but the others are not even started and I am almost failig that subject. WHO CARES THEY'RE DEAD!! Oh well... hope you like it and comment on how you like it! Bye :)

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