Chapter 2: Jacob, Blade, and the pack!

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Blade! Blade is here! I can't believe he brought his entire pack too. "Hey ummm... Jacob wanted me to go over to his house for a surprise or something. I will call or text Jasper when I am done with that." I said. " Okay, bye!" Jasper said but he knew something was off but I can tell him later. You see I never told Rosalie or the any of them about my past.

I walked out and I saw Rick. " Great, could my day get any worse?" I asked myself. Jacob walked into the clearing. Oh thank goodness.

He walked up to me and said, "Ashley who are these nice people?" I could tell he wanted to be nice.

"Oh Ashley, what a nice and pleasant surprise to see you here... Right gentlemen?" Blade said looking back at his pack and then to me.

"Yeah Ashley! Long time no see." Said Zach looking (or should I say glaring) at me.

"Yeah its been so long... Mind me giving me a refresher?" I said.

"I can explain to them later, why don't you come and give us a tour of Forks, shall we." Blade said.

"Over my dead body!" I spat at them.

That did it they all started advancing. I turned to Jacob and gave him a sad look. This might be a bad time to attack because I was in so much shock. I started advancing toward them. I ran and started punching people in the face, up-gutting them, an kicking them. Two of the guys got my arms and held me in place while two guys kicked the back of my legs so that I was on my legs. Jacob looked like he could kill someone but he had blood on his mouth and 4 of the others were holding him back.

Rick came up to me and started walking around me. Jasper and Emett pushed the four out of the way and got Jacob and whispered something in his ear and Jake ran. Why did he leave? Does he not love me? Blade held my chin up.

"Ashley you have grown to be very beautiful... Do you want to leave with me? Or will I have to take you by force?" He asked. I kept waiting for him to get impatient and finally I said, "Go to hell." He growled at me.

Rosalie spoke. "Dad I think you should go. Leave with your pack and go. Ashley is my friend." Then we heard a rustle in the bush and I got out of their grasp and was thrown in front of all of them. That way I will be the first to die.

Yeah! :(

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