Mother and Daughter

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I ran to my mother. I hugged and she hugged me back.

"I missed you so much Ashley. What are you doing here? I thought you were in America." she said.

"I was until I had to come back because Blade forced me to come back with him. He said that we were going to get married in two days." I said tearing up. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around to see who it was and saw Alex and Jane and I ran to give them both a hug.

"I haven't seen you two in forever." I said. "How are those special powers of yours?" I asked.

"They are great. Jane can hurt people just by looking at them and I have darkness powers where it robs you of all your senses and kills you." Alex said. (That's right...right?)

"Oh we missed you so much Ashley." Jane said. We hugged again. Oh crap!

"I have to go, Blade will know I came here. I can't stay. He threatened my family in Amarica, I can't have him threaten you guys too." I told my mom.

"He will not be laying a hand on you." My grandfather said.

The lady who was at the front desk came in. "Some people are here to see you."

"Thank you Cassandra, you may leave early today." My grandfather said.

"Thank you sir." she replied.

"Alex, Demitri, Felix, go and escort the guests please. "Alessandra please take Jane and Ashley to the library. We will deal with this brothers." My grandfather said. My mom took Jane and I and we left the room. I wonder what Blade is planning on doing.

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