Chapter 1: Greetings!

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"Hey, I am going to Rosalie's house. Okay?" "Okay then. Bye Ashley!" My grandma said. Hi I'm Ashley and this is my story. (If you don't know her then go back to the intro and read that because I am not going to retype it sorry!) I am going to the Cullens house because it seems better than doing nothing all day. I was walking when I heard this familiar growl. I turned around and jumped high into the air and looked down.


  "Paul... Tsk tsk tsk... You should know by now that you can't take me down." I said. He wasn't very good at sneaking up on people, or should I dare say supernaturals. "I am going to go to the Cullen's house... Want to come!?" I asked him, but I knew his answer. "No but thanks ShleyBlee!" "You're welcome!" I said skipping away.

   I arrive at the Cullen's house and walk in and see Jasper in the kitchen. I run to him. "Hi Jasper! Whats up bro?" Jasper is kind of like my brother, we were found together and were seperated but then we found each other here in Forks... Happy ending right? "Oh look... Hey Esme, Someone here would like to say hi." "Oh my goodness, Ashley what are you doing here? Forget that... Dumb question." She said. Yeah it was not the brightest question. All of a sudden I felt my thigh vibrate. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw Jacob was calling me. "Hey guys, I have to go talk to Jake... Hang on a second." I said.

  "Jacob... Are you ok?" I asked him. "Yeah, I just smelled a different vampire scent and wanted to make sure you were ok." Ohhh... He is so sweet. "Awww Jacob, yeah I'm fine thank you for wondering and caring." I said. "Yeah, just be careful because there was more than one." Jake said. "Jasper said some people were coming over the other day." I said as I remembered. "Okay, hey are you over there... I will stop on by to say hi to everyone!" He said. I knew he just wanted to say hi to me. "Okay I will tell Jasper" i heard him growl. "Oh just suck it up Jake... You know I love you." I said. I hung up.

  I headed back in the house and found Rosalie getting 2 cups of blood. "Hi Rosalie, why do you need 2 cups of blood?" I asked puzzled. I got out a glass and filled it with water. "My dad is here and he brought his pack with them." She said. I spit out my water an looked up. Holy Unicorns! He is here for me!

  Hey so i don't know if I want to update this because I don't know how many people want to read this. If you do like it and/or leave a comment. You may not copyright this story under any surcumstances.

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