Chpt. 4

54 3 16

This is sexually explicit, this is the scene from the epilogue.

Read at your own risk I can't write smut to save my life so-

Regulus had never felt more loved ever as James went down on him, trailing kisses, the only lights were the fairy lights hung up around them and the candles lit. (He hoped they wouldn't catch anything on fire).

"James" he heard himself say not actually processing that fact that he was saying it, James has bit down on the patch of skin right above his dick.

"Sorry, over come with love" he winked up at Regulus with that idiotic grin on his face.

Even after Regulus had just accepted his marriage proposal he was still so bloody arrogant.

His thoughts were cut in half by James taking the tip of his dick into his mouth, making Regulus let out a crude sound.

James made a popping sound, before he fully went down on Regulus, who moaned out, hands finding James's messy hair.

"Fuck-James-do that again" he knew James would be smirking if he could, but he continued, bobbing his head.

Regulus felt closer and closer and just before that closeness almost disappeared in the most pleasurable way James pulled off.

Regulus let out a sound his mother would call whining, "James, why'd you stop" he panted out and it was answered by James getting up and rambling in a drawer and coming back, blush evident on his face.

"I wanted to try something different, since it's supposed to be special"? Regulus raised an eyebrow right now he just wanted to get fucked by James, and get his painful erection taken care of, by James. Before Sirius noticed they were gone.

"Alright" he mumbled out then all of a sudden James had picked him up and put him closer to the head of the bed (he wonder how they'd gotten that in there?

Then James was latching something onto his wrist and he let out a surprised gasp, "what the hell"? James smiled mischievously, "that's not all" and he did the other wrist, leaving Regulus's legs loose, then just when Regulus's eyes were about to pop out he was putting a cover on his eyes, it smelled suspiciously like rose water which Regulus might've once said he found calming.

"This is ok" he felt a hand touch his waist and he shuddered, "ye-yeah" he stuttered over the words, still slightly shocked, "good" and then there was more movements and his legs were being pushed up words into a bent position and they were spread and he let out a sound between a squawk and a moan as James's wet and surprisingly skilled, tongue went over his arsehole is a very vile but pleasurable way.

"What the hell" "I read about it-it wasn't much of a surprise that it was a book on Sirius's shelf on Remus's bookshelf".

Regulus found it quite adorable that Sirius got his own shelf on Remus's huge, cluttered, bookshelf, and it was sad that he reserved it for sex books, instead of romantic books. About romantic werewolves who clears shelves for them and puts their own books in drawers.

"It...was a kink book-I wanted to try-" "I don't care that much Potter, I'm consenting to whatever you have in mind" he could picture James's goofy grin.

He felt James hovering over him before he was putting something cold onto Regulus's left nipple, then his right, it was a little pinched since it clamped down on them slightly painfully.

Then they started vibrating and Regulus found himself arching off the bed and moaning a little loud, "what the hell Potter"! "You said you consent"! James mumbled then he went back down and licked another stripe up Regulus arsehole (never would he imagine).

Regulus was overcome with need for James to just fuck him when James gripped his cock, his tongue now going in and out of his anal canal, (read: arsehole) at an alarming speed.

Just when he was actually about to come right there while cursing insanities, the vibrating stopped and so did the tongue fucking and the hand around his cock was removed.

He panted as James removed the blindfold and worked on the handcuffs "that's it"? James chuckled "glad you liked it, there's a lot more, you can read the book if you'd like" he winked as he released Regulus's left hand.

"I'd rather not ask my older brother for a book about kinky sex" James snorted "I did" Regulus rolled his eyes "first off, your more best friend brothers...if you find a girl I'll be the one to get her to shag you, I'm more...your my baby brother and if anyone harms you or tries to deflower you I'm going to Azkaban for murder".

James laughed "alright Mr.Eager I love our brother but I'd rather not discuss him while trying to fuck you" Regulus ignored the twist of his abdomen "don't ever say our brother, it sounds incest" James laughed again, tossing his head back "you'd know all about incest wouldn't you Reggie"?

Regulus took the advantage (despite wanting to retort something snarky) and pushed James back on the huge bed (how did it fit in such a small place? Or had he just imagined the small little wooden house?)

James seemed to run out of air, as Regulus sat on his stomach, hands splayed across his chest, curly fringe falling in his face.

"I want to try something new too" he flushed and hesitated at the intensity of James eyes but he also saw the odd twinge of want too.

"I want to...fuck myself, on you" James's eyes fluttered closed as he groaned "I could cum from hearing you say that" Regulus laughed "please don't I'd rather it be inside me" and then he summoned his wand and waved it around quickly he felt the familiar spells of the cold lubricant, sometimes James liked to do it himself but today he simply didn't have the patience.

Slowly he slid down on it until he could fully sit down.

James groaned and his hands found places on Regulus's waist, but Regulus still needed to catch his breath.

No matter how many times he has sex, it gets better and better.

"Fuck" James groaned again "I'm really not going to last long" he admitted and Regulus shook his head "me neither" and then he slowly rocked upwards and came back down, and he closed his eyes as James groaned again, "your beautiful, I love you" he whispered, eyes boring into Regulus as he slowly went up and down.

"I love you too, I love you so much" Regulus replied and then he was going faster, and James was thrusting up to meet Regulus and their hips were smacking, echoing around the room and Regulus was moaning loudly not as loudly as James was cursing and telling him he loved him and that he was beautiful.

Then James was cursing and he was taking more control as he flipped Regulus onto his back, pinning his wrist above his head, his right hand on Regulus's hip as his thrust became faster and sloppier and the sounds louder and wetter.

"I'm coming, god Potter I'm coming" and he was, white spurts of the nasty spunk came between them and he felt James doing the same as he slowed down and tried to ride it out (read: panted like a dog).

James pulled out and Regulus casted a cleaning charm because no way was he going to stay sticky and spunky, cuddling in nasty body fluid? No thank you.

James pulled Regulus flushed skin into him, Regulus would probably complain about the nail marks on his hips, or the way his wrist had a faint line left from the metal cuffs.

"Your really going to marry me"? Regulus smiled "of course I will, I love you and I don't mind spending the rest of my life with you" James smiled and pressed a closed mouthed kiss to Regulus's lips.

"I love you too".

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