Chapter 12: Soaring

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Killua walked up the stairs of the parking garage. He saw Gon fly in the direction of it when he flew out the window so he went to check to see if he was there. He checked each floor to see if he was there but when there was no sign of the ghost he went to the next floor.

He was now on the top floor. There was no ceiling so there was a clear view of the sky. Killua glanced up noticing how cloudy the sky looked tonight but didn't dwell on it too long for he came up here with a purpose.

"Go-" Killua cut himself off, remembering he had the stupid fangs in his mouth that made it harder than necessary for him to speak. He pulled the fangs out and shoved them in his pocket. "Gon?" Killua called out receiving no answer. He looked around trying to find any sign of his friend. He walked up a small incline and looked forward.

There Gon was, sitting on the elevated ledge of the parking. Killua let out a sigh of relief and slowly approached the ghost. His back was turned to Killua and he had his head hanging low, his feet dangling off the edge of the parking garage as they slowly swayed back and forth. Killua continued to approach Gon, the wind blowing slightly brushing against Killua's hair causing it to get in the way of his eyes but not affecting Gon's in the slightest. Killua blew his hair out of his face as finally made it next to Gon.

"Gon?" No response. "Gon?" Killua says slightly louder. Still no response. "Gon!" Killua says loudly shaking the ghosts shoulder who tenses up slightly before looking towards Killua. When he notices it's his friend he let's out a sigh and closes his eyes for a moment before opening them and looking at Killua with a sad smile.

"Hey Killua..." Gon said quietly turning back to look in front of him.

Killua followed his gaze to see a few construction workers for the college picking up the broken pieces of the piano and loading them in the back of a truck. Killua's eyes glanced to his left seeing that the two trouble makers were getting dragged away by the higher ups of the school. They're probably in big trouble.

"You ok Gon?" Killua asks looking back to his friend who shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe I overreacted."

"You did get pretty angry when you saw it." Killua said even though that was clearly and understatement for how Gon reacted. Killua shivered slightly remembering how Gon got. The menacing aura, the tone of his voice, the look in his eyes, it wasn't Gon at all, and Killua hopes he'd never have to see that side of his friend of again. "What was all that back there?" Killua asks placing his on the edge of the parking garage and vaulting upwards taking a seat next to Gon on the ledge with his ledge dangling.

"I... don't know. It's just, when I saw the piano was broken and vandalized, knowing that it was purposely caused by someone, it just made me remember everything the piano has done for me, especially that one. It's the one Ms. Palm tutored me on. It's the one that brought me light during my darkest times. It's the one that helped me meet you... Killua." Gon mumbled sadly, fidgeting with his fingers. Killua blinked.

"During your darkest times?" Killua shuffled closer to Gon who let out a breath that was visible even though it was only around the 60's in temperature.

"Similarly to when I was in high school, the fact that I was a 'choir boy' didn't get received well from most guys on campus. Only it was alot worse. Most guys would try and cause harm to me and beat me up whereas when I was in high school it was mostly verbal bullying and the occasional pranks. Although I wasn't gonna let them push me around like they thought they were going to. One guy tried to beat me up and he ended up going to the nurse with a broken nose and a cracked rib..." Gon chuckled lightly at the memory as Killua smiled at Gon and scooted closer ruffling his hair, proud that his friend wasn't a pushover. "...but whenever there was a single guy who would try to beat me up and fail he'd usually come back later with a gang of guys and they'd jump me. They'd push me to the ground, call me horrible things, and make fun of me for being a 'choir boy'. But, everytime that happened I'd always remember why I was there in the first place. I'd pick myself up, go to the choir room, and let all my emotions out on that very piano..." Gon said glancing towards the truck that's now driving away with the destroyed instrument in tow.

Gon The Friendly Ghost (Killugon)Where stories live. Discover now