Chapter 20: One With You (!!!)

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Chapter Contains smut.

If you're uncomfortable with that just skip this chapter, it has no bearing on the plot. Mostly just filler with fluff.

Also this is my first time doing something like this so please bare with me.

Anyways that's all.

Peace, I'm out! ^^


Killua stared at the ghost, completely taken aback by his words.

"Y-you what?" Killua stuttered feeling his face heat up immensely. Gon leaned closer, a serious yet seductive look present on his face.

"I want you Killua..."

Gon placed his hand on Killua's chest lightly gliding is up and down causing his shirt to wrinkle along with the movements of Gon's hands slightly. Killua sat in his spot, frozen and flustered.

A gasp escaped Killua's mouth when he felt Gon's cold hands sneak underneath his shirt and make its up up to his chest. Gliding across his pale skin, teasing one of his nipples in the process. Killua help back a moan as Gon snuck his other hand underneath his shirt and up his chest as his fingers began to play with the now slightly erect buds. The moan finally escaped Killua when Gon brought his head down to Killua's neck, kissing it and taking the pale skin into his mouth sucking on it slightly.

Killua at this point was a blushing mess. He didn't expect such acts as this from someone who seemed so pure and innocent. Needless to say, looks can be deceiving.

"Mmmm~" Killua hummed as he leaned his head back as the pleasure began enveloping him. However he managed to catch himself before he completely lost himself. "W-wait Gon..." Killua muttered gently pushing Gon back slightly so he could look into his hazel eyes.

"Hmm? What's wrong Killua?" Gon said with a curious yet disappointed expression. Gon tilted his head to the side slightly all the while still having his hands underneath Killua's shirt resting on his chest. Killua gulped hoping that Gon wouldn't take what he's about to say in a bad way.

"Don't you think this is a bit weird?" Killua muttered avoiding eye contact. Gon's confusion grew.

"What do you mean?" Gon said answering Killua's question with another question.

"Don't you think it's weird for us to be doing... this... since, y'know-"

"Since I'm a ghost? Is that it?" Gon said finishing Killua's sentence. Killua gaped seeing the slightly hurt expression on Gon's face.

"I-its just that-"

"Killua. We've been doing intimate stuff for months now. You didn't let the fact that I'm a ghost stop you from kissing me, and cuddling me and hugging. What makes this any different? I want to do this with you because you make me feel special. Like I'm human. Like I'm alive again. That's what I love about you. You're my everything Killua. I love you with every part of me. I would burn in a fire ten times over if it means I get to be with you. That's why... that's why I feel the way I feel right now. I just..." Gon shed a single tear as he brought his hands from under Killua's shirt and grabbed Killua's face staring cerulean eyes with glossy hazel ones. "I want to be one with you..."

Killua felt his heart throb from the words spoken by the ghost. Killua couldn't help but think to himself how silly he was being. Even if Gon was a ghost, even if it was weird, even if Killua did look like an absolute fucking psychopath if someone walked in on them, Gon loved him, and he loved Gon, and in the end that's all they cared about. Killua heard a gasp escaped from the ghost.

Gon The Friendly Ghost (Killugon)Where stories live. Discover now