Chapter 7: Freedom

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"Hey Pika? I got a question." Killua asked Kurapika who's eyes were glued to a book. They were currently in their dorm sitting on the couch.

"Shoot." Kurapika said still looking down at his book.

"Have there ever been previous cases of people actually being able to interact with ghosts?" Kurapika placed a book mark in the book he was reading and closed it looking towards Killua.

"Interact how? Like how you can interact with Gon?"

"Not only that, but also being able to... I guess... touch them." 'God that sounds weird when I say it outloud.' Kurapika hummed and grabbed his chin in a thinking manner.

"Now that I think about it, I do remember one scenario when I was researching." Kurapika pulled out his laptop and opened it. Killua scooted closer to Kurapika to get a better view of the screen. "There was an article of a man who lived with the ghost of his great great grandfather who died at the age of twenty in their old house. It says right here that they had a loving father-son relationship and could physically interact with eachother, such as hugs and other typical physically contact between father and son. The further I look into it I learned usually people can only interact with ghosts physically when there's something that connects the two, most often it's an item like an ancient artifact usually belonging to the person who died but is in possession of the living person they interact with."

"Ah, that makes sense. But that still doesn't explain why I can still see Gon. I don't have anything that belongs to him." Killua said. Kurapika hummed and thought for a moment.

"You said you couldn't see him the first time you went into the room correct?" Kurapika asked. Kilkua nodded. "And you could see him when you went back the next day?" Killua nodded again. "Hmmm, do you remember anything you interacted with before you saw him?" Killua looked down and frowned, trying to remember back to that day he was able to visually see Gon.

"All I remember interacting with was the piano, the pictures I picked up, the letter on the back of the picture of Gon, and his locket that he's been wearing ever since he saw me with it."

"Hmmm... I see. Well, it has to be one of those things. I still don't know exactly how you're still able to see and speak with him but it must have something to do with those items." Kurapika said getting up from his seat. "Anyways, I'm gonna go meet up with Melody to work on a project we have for class. See ya Kil." Kurapika said grabbing his stuff and headed for the door.

"See ya Pika." Killua said back. Once Kurapika was gone Killua slouched back in his seat and sighed. "I don't understand any of this.


"The answer is simple really... Killua is secretly a Demi God with the hidden power to speak and interact with the dead. His powers just have yet to be fully awakened." Dino said confidently. The other three just stared at him he bored expressions. Killua was now in the lunch room with the three idiots, Doto, Dino, and Deion.

"I swear everytime you open your mouth I lose two more brain cells." Deion.

"I only had two to begin with." Doto admits.

"Look all I'm saying is it's the most logical conclusion. I mean why else would Killua be able to talk to Gon and see him if he isn't spiritually connected to him. Think Deion!" Dino says putting his index fingers to his head.

"How long have you guys had to put up with this?" Killua asks genuinely curious.

"Longer than you have any right to know." Deion says shaking his head.

Gon The Friendly Ghost (Killugon)Where stories live. Discover now