Chapter V: Oceans

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March 30 1979

The Time was nine forty three p.m. In Carrie's house showed Carrie sitting in her bedroom reading some books as her mother was at the kitchen cleaning the dishes. Carrie continued reading books about telekinesis as she closed the book and placed it on the table.

Carrie was fixing her hair as she noticed her book on the study table as she decided to test her powers out by lifting the book. She began to concentrate as the table was sitting still on the table as she continued focusing on it until the book began levitating.

The Book was levitating as Carrie had a huge smile on her face as other objects around her including her bed began levitating as she continued smiling at the sight of it

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The Book was levitating as Carrie had a huge smile on her face as other objects around her including her bed began levitating as she continued smiling at the sight of it

The Book was levitating as Carrie had a huge smile on her face as other objects around her including her bed began levitating as she continued smiling at the sight of it

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Meanwhile in the kitchen, Margaret noticed the lights were flickering as she began calling out Carrie's name but she was answering her back as she was worried. Margaret grabbed a kitchen knife and began making her way upstairs as her hands were shaking.

Meanwhile Carrie continued moving the objects around her room as Margaret tried to open the door as Carrie put all the objects down as she immediately laid down on her bed.

Margaret opened the door and saw Carrie was asleep as she placed the knife on the table and put a blanket on her as she began caressing her hair as Carrie was listening to her mother's words.

Margaret: Your safe here with me.

Margaret: Your safe here with me

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