Ch.8 Look, Bright Skies Ahead

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It's been two days since Shiori had attacked the train station. People in Yokohama continue about their day, as if the incident never happened.

But the fact is, it did happen. And I need to know why.

It's currently morning and I was at my desk doing some paperwork.


"...You spelled that wrong."

Snapping out of it, I find Kyouka looking over my right shoulder. Her eyes scan the document right in front of me. I face it once more to see she was right.

"Oops... Good eye."

I used my pencial to erase the word.

"Thanks, Kyouka-chan."

"...Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot the pass few days."

"I'm fine... Just have a lot on my mind..."


Straightening up, Kyouka continues to stare at me. Even as Tanizaki makes his way over towards our little group of desks.

"Hey Dazai-san, can you do me a favor?"


Sitting in his desk, Dazai was leaning back in his chair while staring up at the ceiling. He's been quite the last two days. I wonder how he's dealing with the news about my sister.


"...I'm listening..."

"...Okay, well...can you deliver this envelope for me. A new client came by this morning and asked the director if someone from the Agency can bring this to the local police station."

"Why couldn't they do it themselves?"

"Er...well...he said something about catching a train to the next town over. He didn't want to be late. Anyways, can you do it. I would but...Naomi kind of booked a surprise for me in a little bit. And she's forcing me to go with her."



"We'll do it."

Walking around the desks, Kyouka takes the envelope from Tanizaki.

"Really? Thanks, you guys. You're lifesavers."

He strolls away as Kyouka returns to my side.

"Let's go."

"B-But, I have to finish this-"

Ignoring me, she grabs my wrist and pulls me to my feet. She then drags me out the door.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Leaving the station, I return to Kyouka.

"Alright, that's taken care of. Let's return to the-"

"Come with me."

"Huh? ...But we should really be getting back to work-"

Again, ignoring me, she takes me hand leads me through Yokohama.

"Kyouka-chan, where are we going?"

"...A place to take our minds off things."


Is she worried about me?

"Kyouka-chan... I'm okay...promise. You don't have to go out of your way and-"

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