Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

We end up pulling up on a small street I have never been to. The houses look like they are crumbling, the paint's peeling, there are cars parked on the lawn and beer bottles in the drive way. I almost find myself asking whether Michael got the right address but am stopped from doing so when he swings his leg over the motorbike and getting off holding out his hand to help me off. I place my small hand in his getting off and handing him the helmet which he simply just leaves on the floor. Seems like people know not to touch his stuff around here otherwise im sure someone would find themselves stealing it. 

Looking down from the appearance of the house I notice the Loud thumping music swarming the place. Strong alcohol filled my senses. Drunk people , dancing. There are people stumbling on the sidewalk and in the front yard. I have been to a party with Michael before but this one seemed a hell of a lot different.

''What is that smell.'' I mumbled to myself. Michaels lips curved up into a smile and he shook his head.

''Have you never smelt weed before?'' He chuckled. My eyes widened Michaels lips formed a O shape.

''Wow.'' he says quietly before wrapping his arm around my waist and guiding me into the house.

Michael leaves me standing in the kitchen while he goes off to find me something to drink , I stand there for a moment feeling out of place. I'm thankful when I see Ashton approaching me with a friendly smile. 

''HI'' He yells over the music as he stands next to me leaning on the counter.

''HI.'' I respond back looking towards him his eyes are sort of cracked and I think back to health class...

''Yeah I'm high sorry.'' He laughs I stifle a laugh then look around the room waiting and hoping Michael wasn't that far away.

''So you're looking for Michael?'' He asks me taking a random cup from the side and bringing it to his lips.

''He went to get me a drink. Where is everyone else?'' I asked Ashton gestured his arms around the room laughing and I shake my head.

''I mean Calum , Luke , Ava and that.'' I respond. He shrugs his shoulders looking around the room before replying.

''Somewhere.'' he says. The song changes and Ashton lets out a 'OH YEAH.' before grabbing my arm and dragging me into another room.


''DANCE WITH ME I LIKE THIS SONG.'' He yells , I feel slightly uncomfortable but hes Michaels friend and I've spent some time with him so it will be okay. Plus I dont wanna be left in the kitchen with some randomer.

The music in the room was ten times louder as a guy stood in the corner of the room with his laptop and Dj decks. At first I was quite rigid just standing there moving side to side but soon found myself moving my hips from side to side to the music , a guy beside me started to dance terribly out of beat making me and Ashton laugh hysterically. We were soon joined in the living room by Calum and Alexis. Alexis got me to dance with her , her dancing was a bit sexual towards me but it was fun. I felt arms snake around my waste as I got pulled back into Ashton I just went with it by moving my hips but before I could come to terms with what was happening next thing I knew Ashton was on the floor with Michael on top.

''MICHAEL STOP!.'' I yelled trying to pull him off of Ashton. He let out a deep breathe un-straddling Ashton and getting up to face me.

''WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT BROOKE?'' He yelled in my face I admit him walking in it must of looked wrong but we was joking around and having a good time.


''DONT MAKE UP AN EXCUSE I SAW YOU. YOU WERE GRINDING ON HIM ,'' He carried on yelling the music went lower and everyone suddenly glued their eyes.

PUNK meets PERFECT  (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now