Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Michael carried me up the stairs threatening to drop me every couple of steps making him laugh and me hit him on the chest playfully. We finally made it to his room where he just let go of my body leaving me to tumble on the bed in a mess.

''Michael!'' I groaned.

''That didn't even hurt.'' He laughed softly pushing me softly over so he could climb in beside me , his warm arms automatically finding my waist and pulling me close to him.

''Now now, Thomas is only in the other room.'' I scolded reminding him that he stayed here last night after him and Karens late shift last night.

''Well I'm fine with being quiet however you have a problem with screaming my name.'' he teased causing my cheeks to blush and hide my face under the covers.

''I hate you!'' I groaned , causing him to chuckle and tug at the covers that hid my face.

''Thats it.'' he mumbled straddling me , his hands digging into my sides as I jolted up laughing from the gesture.

''Stop!'' I yelled laughing harder and louder with every tickle.

''Who knew you were so ticklish.'' He chuckled , ''-Move the cover and I'll stop.'' he teased.

I pulled the cover from my face in fear I would not only suffocate but die from laughter. I hit as his hands tears spilling from my face when his hands moved down to tickle my lower stomach.

''Michael!'' I squealed hitting his hands repeatedly , he finally stopped letting me catch my breath looking up at him. He had that stupid cocky grin on his face , he leaned down to kiss my lips softly

''You're so beautiful.'' he smiled climbing off and laying back down next to me.

''Thank you." I blushed. 


Soon after I felt my eyes become very heavy and must've fallen asleep, the faint scent of cigarettes mixed with a familiar scent of cherry soda was the last thing I smelt. I woke up with the faint sound of heavy rock music coming from outside of the room. I opened my eyes giving them a soft rub as I sat up and looked around the not too familiar room. I looked to my left seeing Michaels side empty before trailing my eyes back around the room, without him being here I took in more details of his actual room. A very old and used looking brown oak guitar sitting in the corner of the room, posters of various bands hanging on the walls not any I were familiar with. On top of his wooden desk were various pieces of paper and pencils scattered messily across the top to which I was surprised he even had due to him never doing any school work. Above the desk was two square shelves that what looked like had old records neatly stacked in place.


The familiar voice appeared snapping me completely out of my daydream. I through the duvet off of me and swung my legs over placing my feet on the floor, a quick stretch of my arms before standing up. I paused in front of the mirror at my atire A grey Rolling Stones t-shirt fell off me just resting above my knee, Michael must of put his t-shirt on me last night when I fell asleep. I retied my hair back into a ponytail and poked my head out the room. I didn't really want to go downstairs looking like this so turned back around to find my phone. 10am!!!! I screamed inside frantically running around the room to gather up my stuff and throwing yesterday's jeans on in a rush - I quickly flicked through Michaels waldrobe and pulled out a average white top. I tied it up in the front to make it tighter then made my way downstairs looking for Michael.

''Michael where are you?'' I half whispered as I took a look around the hall. 

I finally found him sitting in the front with with his head in his hands, Federer curled up next to him ran over towards me sniffing me with her little nose. I stroked her head softly then walked towards the sofa sitting next to him.

''Whats got you down?'' I asked taking his hands.

''It's nothing'' he mumbled


''I was trying to make for breakfast and I ended up burning the toast ... the eggs caught on fire and federer got the bacon from the side.'' He mumbled throwing his face back into his hands. I couldn't help but let a little giggle leave my lips covering them with my hand.

''Are you laughing at me!!'' he exclaimed

''No... well yes. You're so cute!'' I said focusing my eyes back on the black poodle ''-At least someone had a good breakfast'' I giggled perking a grin on Michaels face. 

''I just wanted things to be perfect for you Brooke after yesterday'' he huffed brushing off dust from his jeans and standing back up.

''I thought not everything had to be perfect.'' I said standing up and poking at his shoulder making fun of his own words , he half smiled taking my hand as he lead be towards the door.

''I'll just take you to the cafe on the way to school''

''SCHOOL!! We're already two hours late'' I squealed running towards the door.

''We'll be fine they won't even realise.'' Michael said as cool as a cucumber... not notice? he must be insane especially with someone with a record like mine they're going to notice... then they'll tell my mum as if she isn't under enough stress already... then my grades will drop... University forget that i'll be livin-

''Brooke!'' Michael snapped knocking me out of my thoughts.

''We're going straight there no buts!'' I replied grabbing two apples from the bowl on the left in the kitchen shoving one in his hand and opening the door.

''An Apple for breakfast this isn't real food.!'' He groaned following me out the door to where I was standing, in front of his mother returning from work.

''Hello you too... sleep in?'' a familiar blonde said shaking her head.

''Hi Mrs Clifford. Thank you for letting me stay last night.'' I smiled with blushed cheeks a little embaressed

''The alarm didn't go off.'' Michael responded.

''Its Karen and don't be silly Brooke you're always welcome here. Michael do not lie to my face now get to school I don't want to go and have another meeting with the head teacher... he always gives me weird looks.'' she says shaking her head.

''Well if he looks at you like that again I will show hi-''

''Michael!'' I screeched grabbing his hand and pulling him towards his car causing Karen to laugh.

''BYE YOU TWO'' she said shaking her head with a smile on her face as she disappeared into her house.

''Your mum is really nice'' I say getting into the car and doing my seat belt up, 

''I think she likes you too much.'' he says getting into his side, he finally does his belt up once I give him my best angry face.

I groan looking into the drivers mirror looking at my face. ''I look awful''

''Still perfect to me'' he winks pulling out the driveway and making his way down the street.

''Cringe!'' I jokingly annoy resting my head against the window.


Hello all Its me back from the dead. 

This story hasn't been updated in five years but I still get messages now saying how you all love it, I even got asked by a company to upload this to their e-book site which was exciting (not sure yet). I hope you are all well during this crisis, I finally got time to write again haha. Please look after yourselves and I hope this small chapter brings you some happiness see you soon and hopefully not let another five years pass.

PUNK meets PERFECT  (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now