Chapter 5.

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I walked through the front door  being greeted by my annoying brother Chase smirking and taking a bite of his apple.

''What are you smiling at dweeb?'' I rolled my eyes grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

''Nothing, '' he chuckled


''Whatever'' he said and made his way out of the kitchen

''Wait!'' I yelled he stopped at the doorway and turned towards me

''What do you know about Michael Clifford?'' I asked biting my lip and fiddling with a strand of my hair.

''Knew you were going to ask someday''

''Well... are you going to tell me?''

''Whats in it for me?''


''Fine i wont tell you'' he started to move again

''FINE !! I'll give you a ride to school everyday this week.''

''and back?''

''and back.''

''And do my chores for a week?''

''Ew no get lost'' 

''Fine... I'll tell you.''


That was probably the first time in forever since me and my brother had that long of a conversation. I learned that Michael worked in a record store downtown , he's an alright guy whos helped my brother out a lot when the other jocks were trying to beat him up. He hasn't really done anything that bad for him to get the reputation he has apart from the way he looks. He is in a band called 500 years of winter... I already knew that one but I found out his band mates were the guys from school the other week ago. He has also been with quite a lot of girls in his time but apparently according to my brother I'm a whole lot of different from them... Which I couldn't tell if it was a compliment or a insult.

''You know there's a party tonight...''

''I'm not helping you sneak out Chase'' I rolled my eyes sitting down on our sofa and reaching for the remote.

''No no... well yeah but thats not the point , I was just wondering... so god help me for asking you this but do you want to come?''

''Ew no I wouldn't be caught dead at one of your ner-''

''Michaels going to be there''

''... Where is it?'' I asked my attention going straight to my brother.

''At some guys Calum house''

''Why are you being nice to me and inviting me?''

''Can't I do anything nice for my sister?'' he rolled his eyes


''Are you going to come or not?''

''I'll be there'' I said and ran up the stairs to change.

I didn't know what to aspect at the party I was attending so I just threw on some black denim shorts that had little black stars on the pocket lining and a black lowcut top, I left my hair down and just added a slight bit of make up not really bothered to get too dolled up as no one would really be there and I'd rather just blend into the crowd for once.

''Wow ... what have you done to my sister?'' Chase asked

''What?'' I rolled my eyes

''You look... different''

PUNK meets PERFECT  (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now