Chapter 22: The Final Cover

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~Kaneki's POV~

She looks so peaceful.

Curled in a ball, hugging a pillow close to her chest, burrowing beneath the covers, lost in an expansive abyss. Peacefully and blissfully lost in a sea of dreams, sound asleep and unaware.

Good. I want her to stay that way. At least for a little while. Just lost in peaceful slumber, warm and safe. That's what she deserves. That's what she needs. And I dare not ruin that.

Quietly, I take one more look at her and close the door behind me, making my way through the winding halls until I make my way outside. There, the warm breeze of this summer night blows, whisking my hair, the silence only broken by the occasional passing car. Above, streetlamps stand, their chilling luminance being cast down, pools of light settling on the ground, breaking the darkness.

A sight I am all too familiar with now. Moving in the night has become second nature to me. Even now, it is what I know.

With a heavy sigh, I cross the street, entering a dark alley. There, I pull my mask up and unleash my kagune, leaping to a nearby roof, making sure to move quietly and swiftly. I don't want to be gone long, so I want to make sure I don't draw attention to myself.

I move quickly, jumping to the next roof, followed by the next and the one after, my feet moving fast. Fast and quietly, agile like a cat. That's the mindset I have adapted, even though all I want to do is go back and fall onto that couch, drifting into a deep sleep.

Even now, my eyelids are heavy, exhaustion trying to fill my gaze. All around me, the neon lights and the shadow of the night becomes blurred, my body simply moving on autopilot. Muscle memory plays its role. And all the while, it's her face that I see.

Y/N. Sound asleep and lost in a peaceful unawareness that I wish she could remain in forever. I see that - I see her - and all I want is to be in that room...close to her. Keep watch over her. Maybe even laying next to her.

Abruptly, I blink, shaking my head. Snap out of it. Focus. There's no time to think about that. About her. Not like that. Not now.

I grit my teeth, continuing to the next building, where I land and stay, heart racing and head throbbing. It's a dull pulsing - one that's manifested seemingly out of nowhere. Slow and rhythmical, almost like breathing. My body rebelled against me.

Just one more day. After tomorrow, Y/N will board that flight and head back to H/P. She'll be going home and will be safe, and I'll be able to rest. And I think that's what my body needs. Rest.

"Well, you're right on time," a voice says.

Unfazed, I look up, eyes meeting the hollow mask that belongs to Eto, though I know it is anything but hollow. Behind that mask and all those bandages is her watchful and observant gaze. And observant and watchful they are.

"Good to see that you're still dedicated to your cause," she continues, stepping closer to me.

"I don't have much of a choice," I mutter, watching her.

"Everyone has a choice. We all do. Humans and ghouls alike, Kaneki. This was yours. You chose this one."

She stands before me, looking up at me, those eyes - though out of view - peering into my soul. Burning a hole in my skin. Just like they do any other time. This time is no different.

"I know that," I finally say, looking away. I can't stand feeling her stare at me. "You're right. I did choose this. But she didn't."

She tilts her head. "Y/N? Hmm. I disagree. She might not have meant to fall into our little world, but she did choose to stay in it. And why do you think that is, Kaneki? She's a young, beautiful, and smart girl. Surely she understands the dangers."

"She did...does."

"Then why did she stay? Why did she still choose to remain in our world even after you warned her? What was the benefit of that? Some kind of cheap thrill for an adrenaline junkie?"

"Watch what you say about her, Eto," I snarl, narrowing my eyes.

She holds her hands up. "Okay. Relax. I'm just making assumptions. Didn't mean to offend you."

Eto never makes any sense to me. I can never quite understand her. She talks in circles, almost like riddles. And she always talks about such random topics. She's baffling.

"Whatever you say," I murmur. "Can we just focus? Why did you call me here?"

She giggles, the shadow of a smile painting itself through her bandages. "Y/N leaves the day after tomorrow, correct?"

"Yes. Early. Why do you ask?"

"Good. This time next week, we move to another ward. We have to pick up a friend soon."

"No details?"

"Not quite yet." She turns, walking. "Oh, and Kaneki."


"I know that those friends of yours at Anteiku extended a hand of help out to Y/N." She glimpses over her shoulder. "It seems they don't trust us not to go after her."

A sharp and keen ringing hums in my ear as my heart races. She...didn't just say that did she? I blink, staring at her, her staring back at me. And I know she did.

"What are you going to do to them?"

She stares at me for several more minutes. Then: "I plan to do nothing. Aogiri Tree's focus is on the CCG. Not some coffee shop in the twentieth ward. As long as they make no moves towards us, we won't go after them. The same goes for Y/N. So, relax."

Relax. I didn't even realize how tense I am, my muscles twitching. How long have they been flexed? They hurt - tender, really. So, I try to take her advice and relax, unflexing my muscles and taking a deep breath.

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask, trying to keep my head level. She passes me a piece of paper and I unfold it, seeing the image of two investigators. I add, "We're going after some doves?"

"No. We're observing them, but we are not to engage."

"Basic surveillance? Why am I needed for this?"

She shrugs, "We want to keep Tatara happy, don't we?"

A cover. Of course. That makes sense. If it keeps him believing that I'm not protecting or responsible for the escaped human, then so be it.

"Very well. And if they spot me?"

"They won't," she chuckles.

"But if they do?"

She leaps onto the edge lip of the building, looking out over the city. The wind blows, whisking her cloak, the shadows and light fighting to hide and highlight her.

Finally: "They won't, but if they do...well, you're not new to this, Kaneki. You know what to do."

Right. I do. I kill them.

**Ello, ello lovelies! Wow. Because of Thanksgiving and all the craziness of last week (weekend included), I have barely touched my laptop, so it's been a minute since I typed. But here we are! Getting closer and closer to the end. And it seems we still don't have to worry about Aogiri Tree - as confirmed by Eto. But oof. My brain feels fried after last week. Gonna get back into the grind and buckle down with typing again. Anyway, thank you all so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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