He's Escaped.

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the synicate was on their first mission. freeing Dream. you were very against it, as Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy had each told you of their struggles with the currently captured green man.
"Thea. I know you dont want him out but i owe him a favour and this is what he wanted. I have to keep my end of the deal up or he will kill me." you fold your arms and mumble under your breath. Techno shakes his head and Phil looks at him. Niki and Ranboo, joined by the new member Connor, who wasnt the mystery person, were stood to the side talking to each other. Ranboo looked at you, and smiled sadly. He knew it had to be done as well. you walk over to them and Ranboo places a hand delicately on your shoulder.

sirens blare behind you as you all run. Dream was dressed in spare netherite armour that Techno had. Sam was following shortly behind chasing after Dream. Ranboo, being the one at the end of the line, was grabbed.
"Ranboo!" you stop and turn to face Sam, with your sword pointed at his face. "let. him. go."
Techno had heard you and he stopped, along with the other 4.
"Techno come on we have to leave Ranboo." Dream was yelling as he carried on running.
"I cant leave him Dream we need to save him. We need to save Ranboo"
you looked away for less than a minute and Ranboo was murdered by Sam. you scream as you lunge towards him but youre caught by Phil.

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