1. Is this the day?

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I'm Ivy, I'm 15 years old and I live in England, in foster care system. My parents died in a car crash when I was 8. I'm also type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed when I was 3 years old. Not many people want to adopt me because I'm old and everyone wants toddlers or babies but also because diabetes is very expensive.

It's Sunday morning right now and I just checked my blood sugar and I was a bit low, but I'm going to go eat breakfast soon so it will get in range then.

I don't really have a lot of friends in here or in school but it's okay.

I'm going downstairs now because we were called to get breakfast. I went to get the food, it was as sugar free as possible and I always get a paper where reads how many carbs each food has so I know how much of insulin I need but now I don't need any because I'm low. I eat one bread and pear juice. I sit alone because I was not in the mood to try to talk to anyone. That's when the one of the ladies who take care of us, walks in the room...

"All of the girls between the age 12-15 come to the hall in five minutes" She annoynces. I realised that I have to speed up my eating, otherwise I won't have time to change my clothes. After I'm done eating, I run up the stairs to my room and change into a red knitted sweater and wide legged jeans that are black.

Then I go downstairs to the hall where I see some other girls that are about my age. Then the lady, Mrs. Johnson, and another woman and a man comes in the room.

"These are the girls who are between the ages 12 and 15" Mrs. Johnson says to the lady and the man. "Girls, they are Juliet and Oliver Anderson and they are here to adopt a girl".
I stand behind everyone else, leaning on the wall. I'm already 100% sure that I won't get adopted so it's not worth it to stand there very happy of the chance and then be upset because I didn't get adopted.

The Anderson's whisper to each other while looking at us.

"I don't think they are the ones we're looking for Oliver" Juliet whispers to Oliver so only he can hear it.

"Yeah I thought the same, until I saw the girl in the way back. Did you see her?" Oliver whispers to Juliet.

This felt very akward.

"Oh her... she is very pretty, I think we should talk to her first" Juliet whispers and Oliver nods.

"Can we talk to the girl with auburn hair and red sweater first?" Juliet asks. I look up surprised. Me?

"Ivy? Yes sure. Ivy come here" Mrs Johnson says and I walk to the front and we are led to a room...

Thats it for the first part!

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