4. School?

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First time I woke up, was at 2 am when Oliver came to check my bloodsugar. I was a bit low so he gave me the juice box from my bedside table and I drank it. Then we waited for 15 minutes, just chitchatting, to see that the arrows were going up which means that the bloodsugar is going up.

The next time I woke up was at 8.16 am to Noah walking in my room.

"Well good morning sis! How did you sleep?"
He asks me and I answer "Good morning to you too, I slept well, despite the low at night, how about you?"

"I slept awesome!" Noah says and jumps out of my room. I chuckle and get up from bed and change my clothes. I decided to put on grey sweatpants and slightly oversized t-shirt that is light blue. Then i skip downstairs and see that Benjamin, Noah and Oliver are eating breakfast.

"Good morning Ivy!" Oliver says and I say good morning too and sit on the table. I get myself a toast and a few pieces of bacon and for drink I got juice. I dose insulin to cpver all that and start eating.

We have a chitchat during eating breakfast and after a while, Juliet joins us.

"So Ivy, when do you think you are able to start school?" Juliet asks me.

"It's saturday today right? I can start on monday"

"Okay, I will inform the school. Also before school lunch, have you been going to the nurse to give yourself your insulin?"

"Yeah I have"

"Okay, do you want it to be that way?

"Yeah, I feel like I could forget to give myself insulin if I didn't do that" I chuckle.

Today Juliet and I went shopping, while Noah and Benjamin had practise. We bought clothes, some stuff for my room and food.

Sorry that this chapter is so short but I wanted to skip to monday when Ivy goes to school so yeah

Bad boy & diabetic girlWhere stories live. Discover now