6. Idiot

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(Ivy's outfit and the tapes she has on her sites, sensor is showing but pump isn't)

It is Tuesday today and Oliver is taking us to school. Once we got out of the car, I immediately saw Amy and Olivia sitting on the bench so I walked up to them.

"Hi Ivy!" Amy says and Olivia smiles at me.

"Heyyy how are you two?" I ask them and sit next to them.

"I'm alright but Amy here is having a huge crush on Elliot Adams" Olivia says and I start laughing.

"Where is he?" I ask and Olivia quickly points to the football field and I see him. I have to admit he is hot but not my type.

"Not a bad choice Amy" I say and smirk at her.

"I know, I have a good type" Amy says.

Just then the bell rings and we walk to our first class which is English. We sit down on our seats and wait for the teacher to start the lesson. I feel someone tap my left shoulder and see it's Olivia passing me a note so I take it and open it. It said "I like that tape, it's really pretty". I was first really confused but then realised that she was talking about the tape on my sensor. I look back at her, smile and whisper a thank you.

The lesson goes on for another 10 minutes until the door opens and in comes a reaaaaalllly good looking boy with clear blue eyes and brown hair that is partly covered by a cap. How can someone even look that good??

"Austin Williams, you are late again. Do u have reason this time?" The teacher asks the boy.

"Just you know, didn't feel like coming here" he replies and sits on the desk next to me on my left.

The teacher just sighs and goes to her computer while we write the notes from the white board. Aft
er a few minutes of writing, I felt someone stare at me and so I looked to my left and saw that boy, Austin staring at me... or thats what I taught until I noticed that the thing he was staring at, was my sensor. He quickly goes back to scrolling through instagram instead of writing the notes. I wonder if he is just really good at school and doesn't need to write notes and stuff or just doesn't care about school.

The bell rang and we gathered our stuff and left the class.

"Jacob, my boyfriend, asked if we three wanted to join him and the boys on lunch?" Olivia asked us and we nodded.

We walked to the cafeteria and get some food from the line before sitting down on the table where was already quite a few people, some girls from our class, Elliot, Jacob, Austin and some other boys. Amy sat next to Elliot of course and Olivia next to Jacob so the only free seat was next to Austin.

I sat next to him and took my phone and pdm out of my bag. Everyone started talking. I was going to eat some chips, a sandwich and a fruit salad and for drink a water bottle. I stared at the food for a hot minute thinking how many carbs it had. I opened my phone and checked my blood sugars. I was at 4,6 and going down so I opened my pdm and pressed "bolus" and on the carb field I wrote "65g" and on the bg field I wrote "4,6". Then i just pressed start and confirm and put my pdm away and just as I was about to start eating, Austin started talking to me.

"Why did you do that? I mean what was all that for?" He asked looking really confused.

"I have type 1 diabetes so I just checked my blood sugars and bolused for the food I'm going to eat" I explained and he didn't look that confused anymore.

"But isn't diabetes like for people who are over weight or something? Is that why you have that thing on your arm"

"Yes and no type 1 diabetes is from genes and can actually be diagnosed to anyone not depending on how much they eat sugar and stuff. Like are you going to tell a 10 month old who has t1d that she ate too much sugar?" I tell, maybe a bit too sassy.

"Oh wow okay for teaching me, sas queen" he says chuckling and keeps eating. I just shake my head and start eating. That's when Jacob starts talking.

"How about you all come over to my house tonight? Nothing big, I just thought it would be fun to hangout with y'all" he says and we all agree.

Sorry that I havent posted in a while😬

Bad boy & diabetic girlWhere stories live. Discover now