5. First day at school

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It is now monday morning and I just woke up to my alarm. The first thing I did was to check my blood sugars which was at 5.7 so it was good.

Its 6:30 am and my school starts at 8 am so I have about an hour before we have to leave. I go to my closet and pick out some new clothes that Juliet and I bought yesterday. I really wanted to wear a crop top, but it made me a little bit selfconcious, because that would have ment that my pump and sensor is showing. (The pump is on stomach and sensor on the arm)

(Ivys outfit⬇️)

Then I go downstairs to eat breakfast

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Then I go downstairs to eat breakfast. When I'm in the kitchen, I meet Juliet, Benjamin and Noah.

"Good morning y'all" I say and they reply.

I start making cereal for myself and then sit at the table.

"How did you sleep Ivy?" Juliet asked me.

"Pretty well, how about you?" I answered.

"I slept well too, are you excited for your first day in the new school?"

"Yeah, but mostly nervous" I say and bolus for the cereal.

"I'm sure everything will be alright, don't worry"

"Yeahh" I say as i start eating the cereal.

After I was done eating, I went to my room to pack my bag. I pack my pensilcase, a hairbrush, a snack and a juice box if I go low, my pdm, then a fingerpricker and all the stuff I need for that. Then we left for the school.

"Are you ready Ivy?" Oliver asked me as we arrived to the school. To be honest I was now really nervous.

"Pretty nervous" I say and Oliver parked in the schools parking lot.

"Here we are" he says "Good luck Ivy, I'm sure you will make friends" he says and I nod and leave the car.

The first thing I need to do is to go talk with the principal and so he will give me my schedule and then we will talk through the rules and talk about how we will manage my diabetes.

There is just one problem... I have no idea where the principals office is. I walk up to a girl with brown hair who is walking to the main doors of the school.

"Hi uhh I'm sorry to bother but could u please tell me where the principals office is?" I ask a bit nervously.

"Hey! You aren't bothering me at all. I can show you the way to the office, if thats okay?" the girl asks me.

"Yeah that would be nice!" I say and we start walking down the corridor.

"What's your name?" the girl asks.

"I'm Ivy, you?"

"I'm Amy, I suppose you are new here, did you just move or?"

"Yeah I just moved here since I get adopted" I reply hoping that she doesn't start making fun about me being an orphan.

"Ooh that's nice! We are here now" Amy says and I thank her walking to go knock on the door and a few seconds later a tall man opens it.

"Hello, you must be Ivy, come in" he says and I walk in and sit on the chair infront of a big desk.

"I'm Henry Smith but you can just call me Mr. Smith. Here is your schedule and then I remember that you habe type one diabetes? Is there something that I need to know about?" he says as he hands me the schedule.

"Well I sometimes go to the nurse 15 minutes before lunch to plan my lunch and bolus for the food, but I don't do that all the time just sometimes so if you could inform the nurse about that and then the teachers need to know that I check my blood sugars on my phone so if I have my phone in class, it's because of that. I don't think there's anything else" I tell.

"Okay I will tell everyone. If you don't have anymore question you are free to go. The class will start soon so it's alright if you are a bit late from there because I know it might be difficult to find it so good luck" Mr.  Smit says and smiles.

"Okay Mr. Smith" I say and leave his office. I look down at my schedule and see that my first class is biology and it's on the 2nd floor so I go upstairs and see the class. The class hasn't started yet so I look around to see if I can sit anywhere and I see Amy sitting on one of the chairs with one other girl so I walk up to them.

"Hi Amy!"

"Hi Ivy, do you have biology now too?" Amy asks me.


"That's nice. This is my friend Olivia, Olivia this is Ivy and she's new here" Amy explains to her friend who is sitting next to her.

"Hi nice to meet you Ivy!" Olivia says and gets up to hug me, so I hug her back saying "It's nice to meet you too!"

Just then the bell rings meaning that the class is starting. A young woman comes and opens the door to the classroom and we walk in, sitting each on a desk.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Ms. Brown as some of you may know, but we have a new student joining our class, welcome Ivy" Ms. Brown says.

"Thanks Ms. Brown" I say a bit embarrased when Amy and Olivia just smirk at me, Amy trying not to laugh because she saw how red I got. Good thing Ms. Brown kept talking and teaching. After a while I decided to quickly check my blood sugars so I took my phone and opened the Dexcom g6 app and I was at 3.9. I put my phone away and grabbed an apple juice from my backbag, just when some boy asked Ms. Brown

"Why does Ivy get to be on her phone and drink juice in class, Ms. Brown?"

"Ivy has her reason, but it's none of your business Antonio" she replied. I was glad she didn't mention anything about my diabetes but now most of the class was staring at me looking confused. I just kept copying the notes from the white board and drinking the juice.

Then the class end and Amy, Olivia and I walked out of class.

"Ivy, if you don't mind me asking, why were you on your phone and drinking a juice box in class? I'm sorry I just got curious" Olivia asks me. 

"I have type 1 diabetes. I was on my phone checking my blood sugars and they were low so I got the juice box to bring them up" I tell, hoping that they understand.

"Ohh I know about diabetes! My sister has type 1 too!" Amy says and I smile, it feels nice to not feel like you are alone.

We walk to our other class, which is math. I hate math, but I was excited, because Amy and Olivia told me that the teacher is super funny and actually helps.

After math we had lunch and I decided to not go to the nurse, I wanted to stay with Amy and Olivia.

When we reached the cafeteria, we went to get food and I got some pasta and sauce with it and a cup of milk. We sat down on a table and Amy and Olivia started eating while I got my pdm and phone to check my blood sugars and bolus for the food.

"What's that Ivy?" Olivia asked me, pointing at my pdm.

"It's my pdm, it controls my insulin pump, but the actual name for it is pdm, personal diabetes manager" I answered.


I checked my blood sugars and I was back in range because I drank the juice box so I was now 6,1. I took my pdm and bolused for the food and started to eat too. The pump always makes a "beep" noise like after delivering the bolus so when it did it, Olivia said "beep" too and we started laughing.

Okiedokie that's it for the 5th chapter, I hope you liked it! How about 2 votes and then I will publish the next chapter?

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