Chapter 1

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Hello! So this is one of my first fanfictions and English is not my first language so if u see some mistakes just let me know <3 

My heart was beating fast and I could feel the goosebumbs all over my body as I was following my dad. We were going to visit Silco because he was supposed to deliver something to us but he didn't. I've never seen my dad so pissed off. ''Silco! You fucking liar open the door or I'm gonna kick them off!'' my dad screamed as he aggressively knocked the door. I was really scared I had my gun with me because I was there mostly for protecting my dad if something didn't go as planned. I don't even know what has my dad planned. ''Y/N go to the roof and have your gun prepared.'' My dad screamed. I was rushing to the roof. I set the things down and I aimed my gun to the place where my dad was standing in front of the door. Suddenly Silco walked out, my dad looked like he's gonna kill him. But then Silco pulled out a small brown sachet. ''What could it possibly be that my dad wants it so bad?'' I thought to myself. Silco tapped my dad's shoulder and invited him in. He said something before but I couldn't understand. I was going to get up but I heard steps behind me. I quickly took my gun and aimed it behind me. ''Woooh, chill Y/N it's just mee.'' The blue haired girl shouted. ''Ahh Jinx you scared the shit out of me I thought you were Savika or some of the Silco's protectors, I could have shoot you.'' I let out a soft sigh.

We were pretty good friends with Jinx but my dad didn't like her, he thinks that she's too crazy to be my friend but he just don't know her that well. When you get to know her more she's a really amazing person.

''Actually I am kind of a Silco protector.'' She giggled softly. ''Ahh, but you know how I meant that.'' I said while I was putting my gun on my back. I was on my way to the ladder to go down but Jinx wrapped her hand around my wrist and pulled me closer to her. ''Jinx wha...'' I was cut off by her spinning us around the roof. She turned me around and let me go so I was completely on the edge of the roof, I lost my balance. ''Jinxx!'' I yelled but then she grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back to the roof. I got on my knees as I was breathing heavily. She was just laughing. ''I could fall down this is not funny.'' I yelled. ''Don't worry I would never let you down sugar.'' She smirked. ''Jinx stop calling me that you know I hate it.'' I stood myself up and I started to get down the roof. Jinx's smile quickly disappeared. ''Where are you going?'' She asked with a sad voice. ''I need to make sure that my dad is okay.''

I walked to the door where my dad has gone in with Silco and I knocked. My dad opened the door and told me that he settled the misunderstanding with Silco and that he's gonna stay for a few games of poker with Sevika and more Silco's friends. I shook a bit when I heard the name Savika. I hate that woman she's always giving off such a ''dontlookatmeorIwillkillyou'' vibes. I told my dad to be careful and I was about to go home but I knew that Jinx was following me. ''Why are you following me?'' I groaned. ''Well I don't know I was thinking that...'' She didn't finish. ''That?'' I asked curiously as I looked at her walking on the edge of the small building that was next to me. ''I don't know... we could hang out or something.'' She smiled softly. ''Do you really wan to hang out in the probably most dangerous city in the world?'' I said as I continued to walk. ''Oh don't be such a pussy. It's not that bad.'' The taller blue haired girl said as she jumped down the roof right next to me. ''No thanks I don't want to get killed plus it's getting dark.'' I looked in her blue eyes with kind of a purple in them. ''Or if you don't want to hang out here we can go to my place.'' She suggested. ''To your place? Where's Silco, my dad and all of your friends? Do you know what would my dad do if he'd see me with you?'' I started to walk faster.

Jinx grabbed me by my shoulder and I looked at her with a annoyed face. ''First of all they're not my friends, I hate them. Second of all are you scared of your dad and Silco?'' She giggled. ''I..I am... I am not scared what are you talking about!'' I shouted angrily. ''Okay tough girl don't yell.'' She said with her hand still on my shoulder. ''You're really not gonna let me go today are you...'' I smirked. ''What is that look why are you smiling?'' The blue haired girl was confused. ''Jinx you're so in love with me I can see that.'' I bursted of the laughter. ''WHAT? Are you even listening to yourself? Why would I be in love with you?'' She tried to save it. ''Jinx I'm just teasing you.'' I said as I still laughed. ''But you would love that.'' Jinx punched my arm. ''What?'' I stopped laughing. ''If I was in love with you.'' She smirked. I looked down and blushed. Jinx let out a soft laugh. ''I always win.''  ''Agghh'' I groaned.

I started to walk again. Jinx stopped following me. I was confused. I looked behind me. She was standing there and she was abut to head back home. I throwed a rock near her. She turned around cunfusedly. ''So are you coming over or what?'' I asked. Her face lit up immediately.  

To be continued... 

Words: 1022

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