Chapter 3

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Well here's a third chapter for you. I hope you're gonna like it <3 It's a little longer :)

Later that day I agreed to hang out with Ekko because he was staying just for two days and then he'll be leaving to Piltover again. But before that I wanted to let Jinx know that I won't be able to hang out with her today. I was standing in front of Silco's huge base. I didn't want to knock so I decided that I'm gonna try find Jinx's room and climb in trough the window. As I was scanning the base from outside I heard loud music playing from one window. I climbed on a smaller building right next to the huge base. I climbed up and I didn't even turn around and I heard the window open. ''Y/N? What are you doing there are you spying on me?'' Jinx laughed. I quickly turned around and I didn't know what to say. ''I...Um...I just wanted...I...'' I started blushing. ''You just wanted to... Do what exactly?'' She said still giggling. ''Ahhh, I just wanted to let you know that I can't hang out today...'' I let out. ''Wait whyyy?'' She immediately stopped giggling. I jumped to the window and she helped me in. ''Well Ekko came back from Piltover for two days and I wanted to spend time with him.'' I said as she was holding my hand to help me in. ''Will it be like...'' She didn't finish. ''Like what?'' I looked at her with a confused look. There was a silence for a several seconds. ''Like a date?'' She finally finished. ''What? What made you think that it'll be a date?'' I said with an embarrassment. ''Well you two are really close. I'm not stupid.'' She smirked. ''I... What... No we're just friends... Plus...'' I didn't know if I wanted to finish. ''Plus what?'' She came closer to me.

If I'll finish this sentence she's gonna know for sure that I like her. ''Well he's not kinda really my type.'' I said quickly. ''So tall guys with dyed hair are not your type.'' She giggled. ''No... Guys... Are not really my type.'' I chuckled but you could hear the embarrassment in it. ''Oh...'' Jinx smiled. I softly smiled back and I started to discover her room with my eyes. On her desk was nothing else but bombs and guns. She had a bed in the corner of her room. There was a couch and on it was a mannequin. ''Who's that?'' I asked as I was looking at the mannequin. ''Oh that... That was Mylo... My friend... I guess... He died.'' She let out a sigh. ''I hear voices in my head. They're all talking to me. It's starting to be pretty annoying.'' She smiled. I was shocked about what she just said to me. ''Oh my god even at night?'' I asked. ''Well yea, but they're quiet when I'm with you. That's why I wanted to hang out with you.'' She came closer and hugged me.

It was nice to feel her warmth on my body. I hugged her back. I wanted to spend more time with her today but I wanted to hang out with Ekko too. I didn't want to take her out with Ekko because it would be pretty weird.

''I can come over after I hang out with Ekko a bit, if you want.'' I pulled out of the hug and looked into her eyes. The pure joy appeared in them. ''That would be nice.'' She smiled. We were looking at each other for a moment and she started to lean closer to my face. I panicked and I stepped one step back. ''Umm... Well I should get going now... Ekko will be waiting me.'' I quickly said I turned around. I started walking to the window and I could see that she slammed her forehead with a hand trough the corner of my eye. I softly giggled. ''Okay... Well see ya later sugar.'' She said as I was climbing down the window. I waved at her and I ran to the direction where Ekko was supposed to meet me.

''Hello'' I said when I saw Ekko. ''Why did you came from that direction? Your house is that way.'' He looked at me with a confusion as he pointed to the direction where my house was. ''Oh well... I was on a walk.'' I said. ''On a walk? By yourself in this city? Come on I know you're lying.'' He punched my shoulder. ''Ahh... Okay I was letting Jinx know that I will come lat- That can't hang out today.'' I face palmed as I almost said that. A huge smile appeared on Ekko's face. ''What?'' I groaned. ''Nothing... Just that you're going to Jinx's house later.'' The smile didn't disappear. ''Ekkooo, I told you there's nothing between us.'' I said as I walked next to him. ''Well she almost kissed me or she was trying to kiss me today but that doesn't mean anything.'' I mumbled to myself. ''What was that?'' He asked me. ''What do you mean?'' I asked him hoping he didn't hear what I just said.

''What did you mumble to yourself?'' Ekko looked at me with the most surprised face. ''I just... Nothing...'' I blushed. ''She tried to kiss you?'' He asked surprised. ''I do not know! OKAY? She was leaning closer to my face and I panicked and I took a step back.'' I said louder. ''Wait she tried to kiss you and you stepped back?! Whyy? I thought you liked her.'' Ekko said as he stopped. ''I do like her, I just panicked I didn' know what to do.'' I crossed my arms and looked at him. ''Ahh Y/N.'' He groaned.

We were just walking around the roofs and talking about his work with mister Heimerdinger. It was nice to hear him say how happy he was in Piltover. He even said that he's gonna take me there someday.

Later that day he had to leave to help his friend. He won't be able to hang out tomorrow because he have to finish some of the work here so we said goodbye to each other and I gave him a tight hug. He left and I was immediately on my way to see Jinx. It was pretty late so I didn't know if she's not gonna be asleep. I climbed to her window and as I looked inside she was coloring her bomb. I softly knocked and she quickly stood up and came to open a window for me. I climbed in and I let out a huge sigh. ''It was a pretty long way to got here.'' I said. ''You were that far away?'' She asked with a confusion. ''Yeah we were right under Piltover.'' I smiled. ''Damn that's a pretty long way.'' She said as she continued her work. I came closer and I was watching her hands softly holding the screwdriver and finishing the bomb.

''Where did you learn to make these?'' I asked leaning closer to her shoulder. ''My sister learned me.'' She took a deep breath. ''Where is she now?'' I really wanted to know more about her. Therewas a silence for a moment. ''I have no idea... She left me.'' She let out. Damn I was so sorry for her. First her friends died then her sister left her. I wanted to hug her so bad. ''I'm never gonna leave you okay?'' I said as I looked in her eyes. She stood up, came closer to me and put her hands on my hips. I wanted to look at her face but I couldn't. ''Why won't you look at me?'' She asked me. ''I really want to kiss you Jinx...'' I said as I looked into her beautiful eyes. She smiled.

To be continued hehe...

Words: 1335

If you liked this part don't forget to vote it means a lot to me <3

I'm probably not gonna add a new part till Sunday but it's not 100 per sure so <3

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