YOU ARE READING the words i cant say aloud Poesía words from a broken soul #anxietydisorder #breakup #comfort #conflict #coping #copingmechanism #copyrighted #death #depression #heartbreak #hurt #ihateithere #life #love #meaningful #outspoken #pain #poetry #relatable #relationship #speak #suicide bliss 6 1 0 by iwouldbangchan_ by iwouldbangchan_ Follow Share Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia i could never explainhow i felt when i was with you my every thoughtoh so clear i could finally breathe properlyas if the weight was gone my frowning facethen upturned i felt happyi was happy it was bliss