Chapter 7 - What if by Coldplay

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Okay so for starters for the last few chapters of the story, I think its gonna be maybe 5 more chapters before the story ends. and I apologize for that, the story was meant to be much longer but I let so much time lapse between chapters that I just want to sorta end it so I expect to finish it in maybe a month? Anyways so the last few chapters are gonna have a song next to it and I recommend you listen to them because they're really amazing and also to finish off my Authors note and let you go on to reading the story, I wanted to say that thank you for all the people that have commented on the story so far, I love knowing that people like my writing enough to take the time to write a comment. It means a lot to me.

Also the dedication is because your comment made me smile ^_^ I also ship Ziall, but y'know Niall just likes to go his own way y'know. I can't control the Irish lad. 

Okay so enough of my talking, Enjoy <3

~Niall's POV~

For some odd reason after coming home I didn't care if I was around Liam, or if I was around Harry. All I wanted to do was have a nice normal dinner with my best friends, not my maybe probably future boyfriend and person I'm gonna have to say no to. I didn't really want to think about what would happen if I eventually had to choose, and it was something I wanted to escape.

I got my wish, I escaped it, but only for the night. The next morning I was swamped with what happened while I was in the meadow with zayn by two brunettes. One happened to have curly locks and green eyes and the other just happened to have short hair and puppy dog brown eyes. 

"Niall, we came to an agreement. We won't fight over you because in the end were all best mates and are in a band together but you have to choose between us. Though we all know you'll choose me, why would you go out with Liam." Spoke harry with a glare in Li's direction. I just shook my head and chuckled quietly with a ghost of a smile feathered on my face.

"Harry, why would he choose you, instead of me? I'm smart love him when your just rash and aren't even sure of your own feelings. How can he trust such indecision huh?" Retorted Liam with an arched brown and a firm competitive look in his eyes. I just looked and them both one more time and burst out laughing, I could feel my face turning a tomato like red as I was losing my breath from laughing so hard. 

I bit my lip and tried to hold in my laughter and just kept looking from one of the boys to the other. They just looked confused down at me like I had just taken drugs or something. I know they probably thought I was laughing at them, though well yeah I was but more as in If I had a video camera I would have recorded this conversation. They're bashing each other over something as dumb as who I'm gonna pick, maybe to you is wasn't amusing but to me it's hilarious. 

"Guys, stop being ridiculous I love you both. You guys are beyond amazing and I never thought I'd have to actually have to choose between both of you. This is surreal for me but can you guys give me time? Please, I think I need it to make my decision. Oh and try not to kill each other in the process of waiting please?" I said with a small chuckle and ran up the steps upstairs to get dressed and take a shower for the day. 

~3 weeks Later~

I was pacing around the house, everyone was out except for me and Ale because I was sick and the others had gone to get something from Management and they said I could stay home if I didn't feel to well because the meeting wasn't very important. 

I didn't know what to do, it had been weeks and I still couldn't make my decision. It was like when I thought of Liam my stomach erupted in warm butterflies and a pink blush came to my pale cheeks. It was like thinking of him gave me the comfort of a warm blanket in a cold winter day. it enveloped me and just made me smile, it was different then when I thought of harry.

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