Chapter 5

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Okay so sorry it took me so long to upload, I’ve been really busy, seriously I have. School is kicking my ass and there is a lot to handle. If anyone lives in NYC like me then please take care, I know how bad Sandy was here, though nothing happened where I live thank god. Anyways I GOT INTO MY HIGH SCHOOLS GLEE CLUB <3 I’m happy <3 So yeah not a lot of singers can get in, you have to be pretty good so yeah I’m happy ^_^

Well this is for all you people who commented last chapter <3 Happy Late Halloween <3


-Niall’s POV-

I sat in the sofa watching Finding Nemo, practically mumbling every line. You could say I love this movie… but that would be an understatement. Me and the lads had eaten our breakfast which was freaking amazing and then Zayn, Lou, and Liam left with this chick to go grocery shopping because we had “too much” junk food and not enough things to cook with. Pfft, there is no such thing as too much junk food, something must be wrong with her.

Harry was upstairs doing god knows what but I wanna spend time with him… like I really NEED to spend time with him. Ever since he told me he liked me back, he’s done nothing, I mean seriously. I thought if we liked each other we could at least try and see where it goes. But nope, that’s apparently not what Harry’s thinking. What is wrong with that boy, like seriously? Why do I love him so much, why is it when he talks to me I melt?

I have no idea but I know that I love it, not only do I love it but I love him with all  my Heart and soul and I couldn’t be able to stand being away from him. I wish he would realize how much he means to me, and making me wait for him to love me back equally is breaking me inside. It’s a deep pain that I don’t know if I can stand any longer, its like a stabbing sensation that never seems to want to go away. I Don’t want to see that he doesn’t love me, I just want to think that he can grow to it. I don’t want to see that every time he says he “thinks” he loves me his voice is full of doubt. I don’t want to see it and I’m not going to because the last thing I want to lose is hope.

I hadn’t realized I had let a tear fall until I felt a soft caress on my cheek, It was a much to familiar thumb that had brushed to many of my tears away over the last two years. I let a small smile lace itself onto my face and my eyes shortly dried from all tears as I saw his smiling adorable little face smiling up at me. He had crouched in front of me to wipe my tears away.

“When did you guys get back?” I asked with a small smile on my pink thin lips. If someone knew how to cheer me up it was Liam.

“I don’t know maybe approximately 20 minutes ago? I’m surprised you didn’t notice Ni, Ale’s been throwing a gasket about well everything in our cupboard since we got home. Now she’s a bit better though, Zayn’s helping her put all the food in their proper places.  Y’know, for a 14 year old girl she’s very complicated.” He said the last thing with a small chuckle and grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs up to his room.

I had a feeling I knew what was coming, I mean he did see me tear up on the couch for no apparent reason. So it kind of makes perfect sense.  He sat down at the edge of his surprisingly well made bed and patted the spot next to him signaling me to sit down.

I did as I was told and sat next to him, as fast as I sat down a warm hand slid over my shoulder making me lean into him and rest my head onto his shoulder.

“So care to tell me why you were crying out there babe?” Asked Liam with genuine concern lacing his voice. For some reason when he called me babe my stomach did a little flip, but maybe I just miss being paid attention to…

“I just, I don’t think Harry actually likes me, well at least not the way I want him to… He told me he supposedly “loves” me but he’s treated me like we were just friends this entire time. I’m starting to lose hope Li, this isn’t very fair…” I muttered like a sad child, speaking into Liam’s shirt.

I felt a soft hand touch my chin and tilt my head up a bit so I could be able to meet his brown puppy dog eyes with my ocean blue ones. I tilted my head to the side curiously, but had no time to think as a breathtaking smile over took Liam’s pink lips.

“Hey, remember this…. I love you.” And with those soft whispered words my eyes widened though a unconscious small smile played at my lips.

Without further notice I felt a hand at the back of my neck and soft plush lips press against my own.

I couldn’t even describe the feeling, it was like Fireworks and butterflies and a small war was happening in my stomach as I turned hot all over. I was frozen under his touch but soon snapped out of it and kissed him back softly in a sweet manor.

This was wrong… oh so wrong but I couldn’t deny how incredibly right it felt. The feel of our lips dancing together in complete sync, like if they belong on each other was indescribable. I could see fireworks behind my eyelids as I was pushed back on the bed softly and my hands were placed around his neck.

I was supposed to like harry, this was supposed to be harry… But why does it feel so amazing to be with Liam instead, why does it feel like I have no reason to regret it. Like if I belong here underneath his muscled chest the entire time. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he was pressed against me and it was like dynamite. I loved every second of it even though I shouldn’t.

I shouldn’t want this… I couldn’t do this… this was wrong in so many levels it was a catastrophe… My senses came back and I pushed Liam off of me running out of the room and out of the house in a second. I could hear the voices calling me, but I didn’t care I just ran and ran and ran until I couldn’t feel my feet anymore. I fell to the ground and noticed I was in the middle of the an Alley but I didn’t care. Why would I care? I just stared up at the sky with silent tears falling from the corners of my eyes thinking… What have I done?


Yeah this is super duper short I know but I had to make it fast, The thing is I’m in the NaNoWriMo and well I need to write 4,000+ words today and I haven’t even started. So anyways to all you lovely people I have a question, I could put this on Hold till December and write slightly long chapters or just upload short 2 page chapters once and if Im in the mood twice a week. Your choice. Anyways I love you all and please Comment, at least 2 or 3 comments a chapter is always nice.

Vote and fan but only If you want to <3


Ale xx

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