Chapter 3

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"Niall, I..."

I looked into the abyss that was his crystal blue eyes. I watched the childlike sprarkle in his eyes as he looked at me and saw that I couldn't do this to him.

No matter how badly I wanted to just pressed my lips to his soft plush pink ones, I couldn't.

Not when the love of his life, was out there and loved him back. Not when he had te chance to be happy.

I wished I could be the one to make him happy, the one to make him get butterflies in his stomach. But it wasn't my time, and I just breathed and let a smile caress the sides of my face softly. It was a sad smile, because I was letting him go.

But like they say, If you love something let it go and if it comes back, it was always your's.

That's what I was going to do because all I wanted was for my Niall to be happy, even if it took away mine.

"I... I think you should go look for Harry. Go talk to him, I bet he's not Mad that your bisexual, just a tad suprised." I said tracing his flawless face with my figertips, letting them ghost his face slightly as they moved over it.

I saw Niall frown a bit, making his bottom lip stick out a bit, not like a pout. It was just a plain sad pout.

"how do you know? I bet he's actually homophobic and wants nothing to do with me..." he replied, sadness leaking through his voice.

I let a light, hard, sad chuckle fall from my pink lips.

"Niall, trust me he's not homophobic. Just go okay? " I said looking deeply into the blonde Irish mans eyes. Mermerized by his astounding beauty but fully aware of my surroundings.

He gave a hopeful smile, letting his eyes twinkle with a childlike gleam.

"Okay, Thanks Li" with a Kiss on the cheek he quickly got out of my arms and was walking out the door. I sat on the bed, head in my hands, leaning over.

Maybe we just weren't meant to be...

*Harry's POV*

I looked at the glistening night in front of me. I was standing by the lake that was deep behind the forest in the back of the mansion.

It was nice tho, it let my thought wander. Helping me sort out all my thoughts, and make my decisions right, not by Anything rash.

Why'd I run? I kept asking myself repeatedly in my head .

Why can't a face him? I should be happy, he's a amazing person. He lights up the night more then the moon does.

He makes me feel like a million bucks, like my stomach is going to erupt because of rainbow butterflies.

"Why am I so stupid!!?!?!?!" I yelled taking a rock and throwing it as far as possible.

I suddenly felt a warm soft hand touch my shoulder. Just by the feel of it I knew who it was. Niall.

"You aren't stupid Haz, you're amazing..." he said softly, sitting in the grass next to me

" thanks Niall... You don't know how much that means coming from you. I'm so sorry for running, I was just overwhelmed is all. I love you no matter what leprechaun" I said letting a faint smile ghost at my lips.

"how'd you know I was here?" i Asked, quite curious about how he knew exactly.

"your really predictable Harry, so it was pretty easy. That and this is our place remember?" he said with a beautiful smile carving onto his face.

This was our plar actually, none of the boys knew about it. One day when all the boys were on dates me and Niall decided to explore and found this amazing place. When we found it, we called it our place. We haven't told anyone. I havent even told Lou and that's saying something.

I smiled back, a Cheeky smile, showing all my dimples.

I grabbed his hand that was between us and laced our fingers together.

"this is our place... And It always will be" I Said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Harry, I need to tell you something..." I heard him say quietly.

Oh god, what am I gonna say...

"I'm in love with you..." he said in a bare whisper, but I heard him anyways. A smile tugged at my lips, as I turned around to face him. Turning his body in the process so we were facing each other.

"Niall... Your a lucky leprechaun because I think I love you too" I said with a grin

His eyes widened considerably, mouth agape.

"are you messing with me?" he said his irish accent thick, but shaky.

I let go of his hand, and got up, pulling him up alongside me.

I cupped his face with both my hands, looking straight into his icy blue eyes.

"I'm serious Ni..." I said only for his eyes to hear. He hugged me tight and I could feel his breath tickeling my neck because I was a few inches taller. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

" you just made me really happy Haz..." he said into my neck sending a shiver down my spine.

I smiled down at him and grabbed his hand, entwining our fingers.

I dragged him towards the woods, walking trough the maze of trees.

"so where does this leave us Harry?" Niall asked hopeful.

"I can't say your my boyfriend, but let's just say were getting there" I said kissing his temple softly, letting my lips linger.

"the start of something new?" Ni asked me sweetly, squeezing my hand a bit.

"No... It's the start of something better" with that and a smile we approached the house, hand in hand.

Maybe it's not as hard as I thought...


so I like wrote this on my iPod and it actually is pretty short here, but I wanted to upload cause of the cliffy. Next upload will be longer, hopefully it'll be up by thursday. And NOW is when the plot will start, like drama and crap. I just had to get the beggining of the story out of the way. Tell me what you want and I'll probably write it, unless it tramples with something in the story. I like to read comments they are inspirational :) sorry this story is boring so far, but it has so kick of somewhere right? Anyways!

Vote, Comment! And fan, but only if you want to. :) I know about silent readers, tho I likethe not silent ones.

Love you all,

Ale xx


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