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"Going somewhere, Mrs. Brooks?" Jake asked, holding the horse still.

He knew it was her when he bumped into her and she tried to speak in a man's voice. How could he miss the stunning eyes of such a lovely lady? Although, he was extremely confused to why she was pretending to be a man. The panicked look on her face was that of a criminal's when he would catch them off guard. Her face went from a surprised look to a relaxed expression quite quickly.

"Mr. Starling," she said. "You scared me."

"Why do I get the feeling that you are avoiding me?" he asked, stroking the horse's head, keeping his gaze locked with hers. Jake needed to play his cards the right way because he didn't need Conrad going back into hiding.

"I – I'm not avoiding you." Mrs. Brooks smiled. He could tell she was hiding something because her voice shook. "I'm surprised to see you again, so soon."

"Something has been bothering me since we met earlier. Do you have time to talk?"

"Actually, I need to get back to my hotel." She tried pulling the reins to move the horse.

Jake kept the horse still. "You see, I was at a party a year ago and met the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She disappeared before I had a chance to learn anything about her. But I do remember her face. Please, tell me you are Whitney Brooks."

Her mouth dropped open, then she quickly closed it. Her lovely neck jumped in what must have been a hard swallow.

"I realized my error when I addressed you as Mr. Sterling," she replied softly. "It's good to see you again, Marshal."

He had a hard time believing her words, no matter how her voice nearly caressed each word. Somehow over the past year, she must have joined forces with Conrad. But the thousand dollar question was why. No matter how beautiful she was, if she was involved with Conrad, she was going to jail, too. Jake was now hoping he was wrong.

"What brings you to Fort Benton?" Jake asked.

"Oh, just passing through." She smiled. "And you?"

"Following a lead."

"Was it that man you were looking for in the saloon?" Whitney asked.

"Yes, but he got away, again. I'll get him, though." He paused as he looked over her wardrobe. "May I ask, why you are disguised as a man?"

Whitney laughed nervously.

"Oh, this," she said, moving her hand over her coat. "I must look completely silly."

"Yes, you do. Women look much better in dresses than men's clothing."

"Oh, it's a long story," Whitney said. "I've really got to get back to the hotel."

"It's late, I'll ride with you. After all, a woman shouldn't be out here without an escort." He smiled at her, taking the reins from her hand, and leading her horse to where his was tied up. There was no way he was going to let her ride off. "This will give us time to talk. I'd love to hear why you think you need to dress like a man."

As he mounted his steed, Jake could see the defeated look on her face. He felt as though he actually might get some answers now. Heading back with her to the hotel, he just might get a chance to capture Conrad as well.

"You're such a gentleman," Whitney replied. "You see, I do have a companion, who is not feeling well. I was sneaking into the saloon to get some whiskey, for medicinal purposes, of course."

"Is this your friend, Connie?" He kept watch on her expression, slowly riding to the side of her.

"Yes, you remembered." Her laugh was strained. He knew the difference between a normal laugh and a nervous one. Whitney was certainly hiding something.

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