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Jake didn't want to let Whitney go. The night grew later, and since he was a gentleman, he should walk her back to the hotel and let her go. Unfortunately, his arms couldn't release her, and his mind wouldn't stop thinking of ways to keep her with him tonight.

"Yes, I remember the last time I told you to stay put, but you didn't." He brushed a kiss across her forehead. "And I haven't told you yet how happy I was that you didn't listen to me."

"Well, two people against one bad person are better odds. Don't you agree?"


Keeping one arm around her, he turned them toward the street. The moon had disappeared behind another cloud, which made the evening much more romantic. Thankfully, not many people were out. Of course, a wind had picked up, growing cooler by the minute. The weather wouldn't bother him, and he hoped with holding her against his warm body that he could share the heat with her, and she would want to stay with him longer.

"I have an idea." She tilted her head back to look at him.

"Another one? You are full of ideas lately." He smiled. "But then, that's what I like about you."

"Oh, it is?" Her voice held a hint of humor. "And I thought you liked me because you thought I was beautiful."

He laughed loudly. "You caught me. But actually, I first became interested in you because of your beauty, but I stayed interested in you because of your mind."

"Good, because then I know you see me for who I really am."

"Indeed, I do."

A thought struck him, turning his mind back to Conrad. There was still a woman who was referred to as a desert rose and was a sweet as a Georgia peach. So, where was this woman? Whitney was the only one who would be compared to these descriptions.

"My idea," she said, "was that you can keep an eye on the riverboats tomorrow while Connie and I secretly follow Cora around town to see if we can catch her doing something that might get her arrested."

"You want your friend Connie to help?"

Whitney nodded. "Connie is faster than I am. Plus, it will give her something to do."

"I'd think Cora would be suspicious of two women following her around town, don't you?"

Whitney's laugh was music to his lonely ears. Heavens, he just couldn't help it. She was the thief he'd suspected her of being because she was stealing his heart. Then again, he was happily giving it to her.

"Jake, have you forgotten about my man's disguise?"

"I suppose I did."

"Well, you will be relieved to know that Connie and I have several disguises. I can be an old woman." Whitney patted her leg. "Thanks to my limp, nobody suspects anything different."

"And Connie has just as many disguises?"

"Of course."

He touched a finger to her perky nose. "But only you have the Robin Hood disguise, correct?"

She laughed. "That's my favorite. I would never let anyone else have it."

"Then I suppose your idea just might work. Conrad probably won't make his move to steal the rubies until after dark, but I'll be watching the docks, just in case."

"Let me know if you need a disguise."

He grinned. "Why? Do you think I'll pass as a little old lady?"

Rubies for WhitneyWhere stories live. Discover now