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Jake shoved his gun into Conrad's back, feeling the man's body stiffen.

"There's nowhere to run, Connie ol' boy." Jake kept his voice stern. "I'll shoot you if you try to get away. Distractions won't save you this time. You are mine."

Conrad's hands trembled as they raised. Jake reached to Conrad's side and withdrew the pistol that was in the holster. Surprisingly, Jake had figured he'd have another gun on him, but the pistol was it, and it felt light, as if it weren't loaded. Not only that, but Conrad's frame seemed smaller than Jake remembered.

Suddenly, another shadow rounded the corner, and then came to a quick halt. The moon moved away from a cloud, and the light touched their faces. Whitney gasped loudly.

"Jake, what are you doing?" Whitney grabbed the outlaw's arm and pulled him toward her.

"Don't do it, Whitney." Jake pulled Conrad back to him, which turned the outlaw toward him. Thanks to the moon, he was able to look into the frightened eyes of a woman. Her cowboy hat had tipped back on her head, and over her shoulders flowed her auburn hair. Shocked, Jake gasped. "You're not Conrad."

Whitney stepped closer and took her friend's arm once again. "Jake, my friend's name is Connie, not Conrad."

Jake quickly holstered his gun. This couldn't be right. "What are you two doing sneaking around City Hall?"

Whitney bit her lower lip. He could tell she was searching for something to say. "Did you really think Connie was your thief?"

"I saw some commotion over here, so I stopped." Jake hated lying, especially to women. He needed to gain control over this conversation, because he felt as if his head was spinning with confusion. If Connie wasn't Conrad, dare he hope that Whitney wasn't a thief, either? "What were you doing in City Hall?"

Whitney expelled the air from her lungs. "Can we talk somewhere else? We don't want to get caught."

"I already caught you." Jake studied Whitney carefully, trying to read her mind. It wasn't working.

"Please, Jake."

"No. Show me what you took." Jake motioned toward her bag.

"Release Connie, and I'll tell you."

Connie looked at Whitney then back to Jake. "Please, Marshal, I was just the lookout. I made it easier for Whitney."

"Go." Jake motioned his hand for her to move. "Don't let me see you doing things like this again. You could get yourself arrested – or shot."

Connie looked over at Whitney for instructions. Whitney pulled her friend into her arms and hugged her. "I will be fine. Go back to the hotel."

Connie nodded and took off running. Whitney grasped Jake's hands and motioned with her head back to the front of the building. Jake followed her. He hoped she had a good excuse, because he really didn't want her to be a thief.

Whitney climbed the steps and opened the window. She looked over her shoulder at him.

"Come here." Whitney lifted her leg and climbed back inside the building.

Jake glanced around the area, and when he felt it was safe, he followed her inside. Getting caught in here would really look bad. He still wasn't ready to let the town know he was a U.S. Marshal, especially since Conrad was still out there. Jake followed her to the bookshelf, hoping she would make this quick so they could leave.

Whitney pointed to the statue of the Liberty Bell. "I was returning this."

Jake noticed a card leaning against the statue saying Sorry. His thoughts screeched to a halt. He'd read about this in the newspaper.

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