The birthday party

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A three year old Lily Potter stood at the top of the stairs, hands on her hips. She was wearing a pretty little blue dress with a silver sash that Grandma bought and an unimpressed scowl. She narrowed her eyes menacingly at her father, who stood at the bottom of stairway.

"Lily, sweetie," Harry said, voice edging on desperation, "We need to go. Teddy's going to be sad if you don't come." Lily didn't say a word but shook her head, dark red pigtails whipping her face.

"For daddy?" Harry asked. His baby girl had him wrapped around her little finger and she knew it.

"no." she pouted, "I stay here, I no play wif Vikki." Bill and Fleur's daughter was starting to lose interest in Lily, as she was no longer a baby and their age difference made it hard for them to play together. And Lily detested her for it. She was no longer getting all the attention, and like her mother, she could hold a grudge.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" Harry asked. Lily's eyes softened but her hands stayed where they were.
"I wove you daddy, but I stay wif Honey." Lily said.

Honey was their house elf. She was one of the first elves to receive wages and holidays. Much to her horror and Hermione's pleasure. She spent most of her money on birthday presents for the kids, they were her life. She loved them and they loved her.

Harry theatrically hung his head and slumped his shoulders. He sniffed, "OK, I understand. You love Honey more than daddy." Harry said sadly.

"No!" Lily protested, her hands dropped and she stopped glaring, "I wove you the mostest, daddy."

"It's OK, Lily. You can stay here, you don't love me anymore." Harry walked to the floo, where his boys were waiting, "Lily." He said turning back to her, "If you decide to love me again, mommy can take you to grandma's house when she's done getting ready."

Harry turned around and stepped into the fireplace, with five year old Al on his hip and holding the hand of seven year old James. They disappeared in a flash of green, leaving the little girl all alone at the top of the stairs.

She gasped; her father had never left without her, he still loved her, right? She had to know.

"Mama!" Lily cried, running into her parent's bed room. "Mama, I go Teddy's birf-day now." She shouted wide eyed from the door frame.


"Hey Harry!" Hermione greeted with a one armed hug him as he stepped out of the fire place and let a squirming Al loose.

"Hi." He pecked her cheek and ruffled Hugo's hair. His cheeks were red and inflamed and he turned into his mother's shoulder with a whimper.

"Teething." Hermione said, bouncing him on her hip and gently kissing his forehead.

Harry chuckled, "Lily wouldn't let me put her down for two weeks. She even slept in our bed." Hermione grimaced in sympathy.

"Harry!" Ron said happily from the kitchen. "It's been too long."

"I know, what's it been a whole," he glanced at the clock, "twenty six hours?" He followed him into the kitchen, where all the adults were.

Ron waved him off, "ehh," He looked around "Where's Gin and Lily?" The fireplace sounded from around the corner.

"DADDY?" Lily's worried voice called.

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